
4 thoughts on “Fender

  • Aubrey Jeffcote

    Hi. I sure which version. Looks like a long tail PI but the 2 1-meg resistors that join the 470 Ohm and 22K resistors are 33K resistors. Has a 5U4GB rectifier. Do you know which version I have? Need a schematic. Also what are the .oo2 caps on the output sockets pin 5 through pin 8 to ground?

  • Ashley Bennett

    Hello, I’ve been trying to find someone who can help me with this question but I’m yet to find someone. I own a RI Fender Princeton amp w/ 10” speaker. No mods to my knowledge. I’m wondering what size battery generator would run this for 3-4 hrs. I have a Fishman Charge amp and a 200W solar generator I use for my acoustic. I can jam off the grid, anywhere, so much fun! I’m looking to do this with my electric. Can you help me figure this out? Thanks!

    • the power consumption of any electrical device is listed on the back-near the AC power cord., in watts. …. ……..that’s the average power your generator would have to produce, every minute that amp is on…….-so I cant say from how long your generator would last at whatever power the princeton requires, .but it should be easy to figure out, and will be a LOT shorter time with a tube amp (more power required)


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