
Fender Silverface Vibrolux Reverb

Model/Circuit Number: AA270
Years of Production:
1968 – 1982
Era: Silverface
Configuration: Combo
Controls: Silver, forward facing w/ blue labels
Knobs: Black skirted w/ chrome center, numbered 1 – 10


  • Front: Normal: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Bass – Vibrato: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Bass, Rev, Speed, Intensity – Pilot Lamp
  • Rear: AC Outlet, Ground Sw, Fuse (2A), Power Sw, Standby Sw, Speaker Jack, Ex. Speaker Jack, Vibrato Jack, Reverb Jack, Reverb Out, Reverb In


Covering Material

Logo: Grillmounted, raised, chrome & black script
Weight: 50 lbs.

Effects: Reverb, Tremolo
~Watts: 35-40 watts

  • Pre amp: 7025
  • Power: 2 x 6L6GC

Bias: Fixed with Bias Pot.
Rectifier: 5U4

Comments: Fender switched back to the blackface era cosmetics some time in 1980. Vibrolux Reverbs produced between late 1980 and 1982 have a black control panel and silver sparkle grille cloth. A Boost pull switch was added some time in the mid 70s.

16 thoughts on “Fender Silverface Vibrolux Reverb

  • Blackfoot100

    What happened to the average eBay prices?

  • Yeah!!!  Anybody Home??  Helloooooow!!

  • Angel Raman

    anyone know where I can find instructions for biasing the tubes on this amp?

  • I have a silver face Vibrolux Reverb and find a booster pedal hole on buck, but no wireing.
    So I want to make it. If somebody know the shematics of , please slem me know how to do it.
    Thank you.

  • robert harris

    sorry for duplicates, but theres no confirmation that thIs email was delivered.

    have a vibrolux amp.
    what kind of fuse is correct for it?
    what kind of tubes and capacitors do you recommend?
    Robert Harris

    • K Rainey

      My silverface Vibrolux Reverb takes a 2 amp slow-blow fuse

  • What are the sirele numbers for each year from 68 to 80 fender vibrolux reverb how do you tell what year that are

  • Fender amp. Vibrolux reverb amp 68 to 79 how do you tell what year they are

  • Just bought a 1970 Vibrolux AA270 completely original as far as I can tell, bought it online for $800 because the price seemed good and I hardly ever see one of these when I actually have some money! The guy says it lights up when he turns it on but otherwise he has no guitar to test with. Imagine having no guitar at all.
    Anyway, pretty excited about the new amp – and I am used to taking them in for service right off the bat.
    I will report back when there is news.

  • Kim Allen Pierson

    I couldn’t resist – fired it up and the Vibrolux sounds good! Not sure what I should be expecting though, especially in the areas of trem and reverb, so I will take it in for servicing. I also just read a cool online article in Premier Guitar about upgrading to a blackface circuit for the what the author referred to as a more “robust” gigging amp. I was originally looking for good ideas for new speakers, he recommended East speakers (think he runs the business) any ideas are very welcome – i love this amp.

    • John W

      I bought a 1972 Vibrolux on ebay, coming tomorrow.Are you still liking yours? Did you keep original speakers?

  • Kim A. Pierson

    Send me that link please! I also picked up a 70′ Vibrolux that I love but would like to see what the mod would do.


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  • al lorenger

    I have a nice silverface one for sale, 1974 vibrolux Reverb sounds great ,AA270 ,A28488, $900.00 + shipping…from Detroit,Mi, Al , 12-24-2021

    • I have a 1967 Bassman.. a very rare ” BLACKLINE”..50 watt ,new electrics that was deemed ok by the electric repair company,gone over by an electronic shop and its a players rig…, drip edge aluminum front and it has a blackface circut ..[.I’ve been told ]AB165, A40030 ….minor wear… Detroit ,Mi + shipping Al

  • Steve

    Can anyone give me an aproximate monetary value of my 1978 Vibrolux Reverb? The electronics checked out as normal. Speaker cones are originals and sound & look good.


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