
Fender ’57 Twin-Amp Reissue

Model/Circuit Number: Fender ’57 Twin-Amp Reissue
Years of Production: 2009 – 2012
Era: Custom Shop
Configuration: Combo
Controls: Chrome top facing w/ white screened labels numbered 1 through 12
Knobs: Black chickenhead w/ white pointers

  • Front: 3A fuse, Power switch, Standby switch, red jewel pilot, Presence, Bass, Treble, Volume Bright, Volume Normal, Bright In 1 & 2, Normal In 1 & 2
  • Rear: Speaker disconnect jack


Covering Material

Logo: Cabinet mounted script “Fender Twin-Amp” on brown rectangular tag
Weight: 53 lbs.
Speakers/Load: 2 x 12″ / 4 ohms

  • Speaker Model: Weber Special Design by Eminence 12″ alnicos

Effects: None
Watts: 40 Watts

  • Pre amp: 4 X 12AX7
  • Power: 2 x 6L6GC

Bias: Fixed, adjustable
Rectifier: 2 X 5U4


One thought on “Fender ’57 Twin-Amp Reissue

  • aparantly the fender is a lot better than the marshall. i know they sell them at sam ash music. i almost got a tiny amp, but i got a tiny made-in-china guitar for less, but i think i mad a mistake. that amp would be great if your chillin in your room or just walking around the house annoying people. great buy if you have money to spend, just dont save up for it.


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