
Fender Blackface Deluxe

Model/Circuit Number: AA763
Years of Production: 1963 – 1966
Era: Blackface
Configuration: Combo
Controls: Black forward facing w/ white labels
Knobs: Black skirted w/ chrome center, numbered 1 – 10



  • Front: Normal: In, In, Vol, Treb, Bass – Vibrato: In, In, Vol, Treb, Bass, Speed, Intensity – Pilot Lamp
  • Rear: AC Outlet, Ground Sw, Fuse (1A), Power Sw, Standby Sw, Speaker Jack, Ex. Speaker Jack, Vibrato Jack



Grill Cloth:

Weight: 34 lbs

Effects: Tremolo
Watts: 22 Watts

  • Pre amp: 7025
  • Power: 2 x 6V6GT
  • Rectifier: GZ34
  • Bias: Fixed Bias with Bias Adjustment Pot

28 thoughts on “Fender Blackface Deluxe

  • Cabinet size is 22″Wx17″Hx9.5″D

  • Steven Tate

    On my pre-CBS Blackface Deluxe, the tube chart sticker says the circuit is AB763.
    It was made March of 1965 according to the “OC” date stamp on the sticker. (‘O’ is ’65, ‘C’ is March.)
    You have these listed as AA763. Can anyone tell me the difference between these two circuits?
    Thanks (:

    • Look on the back panel it’ll say Columbia musical instruments back there! if its pre-CBS it wont,,you’re 65 isn’t!!!

    • Brian Arnold

      There is really no difference, except for the cathode resistor on stage 2 of the Vibrato circuit. It has been mentioned that some values on the phase inverter were changed, but that depends on the actual model, and not the circuit number used across all models. In other words, you will find AA schematics with either choice of phase inverter values. Same goes for the AB schematics.

    • Kevin P Fawcett

      Correct!! My ’65 blackface deluxe also has circuit AB763

  • Steven Tate

    Also, how many watts? Anyone ?

  • Lucacalvani

    Hi! there is anyone that could give me details (or pictures) about speakers and the switch of a fender deluxe amp 1966 please? I’m going to buy one but I’m not sure if it is all original! cheers

  • Guest

    Mine is a ’65 and makes 22w. Original speaker was an Oxford.

    • Guest

      Also the tube chart states the circuit is AB763 rather than AA763. No idea what the difference is!

  • Guest

    A few pics. The Celestion G12-H is obviously non-original, I took the Oxford out and retired it.

  • Sf-nic

    The AA763 circuit has a 22k resistor in the log-tail phase inverter; this was changed to 27k in the AB763.

    The plate resistor for the “top” side of the 12AT7 tube in the PI circuit was changed from 100k to 82k.

    That’s it. Otherwise, they’re identical. The change was made to tweak the phase similarity in the PI circuit, giving microscopically more headroom in the amp. Yes, you can hear it–sometimes–when playing at specific volumes and with a limited amount of surrounding noise. In a band setting at volumes this amp is normally used at, you can’t hear the difference. (The change was actually made to clean up the PI circuit in other amps, as part of the general AB763 overhaul. You can hear the change a bit better on the 6L6GC amps, such as the Pro . Also note that this change was generally made to amps that use a simple 820 ohm resistor int he negative feedback loop.

    Strictly speaking, the AB763 PI circuit is probably the “standard blackface” version. The AA763 version is a carry-over from the late tweed/brownface/blonde eras.

  • jabguit

    anyone know of an aftermarket cabinet maker? I want to put my ’64 in another cab and keep my original in wraps.

  • Jay Skezas

    Does the Blackface deluxe always come with no Fender logo in the upper left corner of the grill?

    • Don Corace

      That Blackface should come with the underlining tail Fender logo.

    • Don Corace

      Correction, the Deluxe doesn’t have a logo, the Deluxe Reverbs in that date range did.

  • Hello at All, and thanks it is very very good info and hep for my.

    My real name is Jose an my nick name in all forums is fmk, i write of SPAIN-(Madrid)

    How “Steven Tate” i have one rare piece of this good am beautifull Amp.

    My deluxe model is too circuit tipe AB763,
    Non logo in external front
    Whit label datasheets leters OF,= June of 1965
    Chasis ref: A 03383
    And interior chasis print W35 and other whit text TH2265
    Number of fabricatión = #2
    I hapy whit new an complete info see here.

    (sorry for my bad english write but at change ones “rises” an hapi (risas) whit this jajaja)

    For more info or photos :


  • greg herrington

    I have a deluxe with a metal fender logo in upper left corner of grill. Black face with white lettering saying deluxe -amp

  • greg herrington

    I have a deluxe with a metal fender logo in the upper left corner. In white lettering on the black face it says deluxe-amp. Not sure the year but, I know it’s mid 60’s. It has tremolo

    • Mark Pedersen

      Mine is from April 1964 (date stamp says ND), and it has the logo on the left upper corner too. Exceptions are there to prove the rule ;-D Also, mine has a Deluxe Reverb tube chart in it by mistake, and someone removed the portion showing the 2 extra preamp tubes.

  • Does any one know how many black face Deluxe amps were made? I am trolling the Internet looking for that information.

    • I came across some info recently that said there were 507 made. Whether or not that is true, I don’t know.

  • my deluxe is 63 by tube chart!
    but,,,it allso claims CBS on the back panel!
    CBS was in the mix by late 63!
    sooooooo,bring on the arguements about your 65 pre CBS amps##

  • Look on the back panel it’ll say Columbia musical instruments back there! if its pre-CBS it wont,,you’re 65 isn’t!!!


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