
Fender Brownface Deluxe

Model/Circuit Number: 6G3
Years of Production: 1961 – 1963
Era: Brownface
Configuration: Combo
Controls: Brown forward facing w/ white screened labels, controls numbered 1-10
Knobs: Brown Round



  • Front: Normal: In, In, Vol, Tone – Bright: In, In, Vol, Tone – Speed, Intensity – Pilot Lamp
  • Rear: Ground Sw, Fuse (2A), Power Sw, Speaker Jack, Ex. Speaker Jack, Tremolo Jack



Grill Cloth:


Effects: Tremolo
Watts: 20 watts

  • Pre amp: 7025 ; 12AX7
  • Power: 2 x 6V6GT
  • Bias: Fixed Bias, nonadjustable
  • Rectifier: GZ34

Early models had the baffle screwed in from the front. These models also had the channels reversed with the Bright channel on right and the Normal channel on the left.

13 thoughts on “Fender Brownface Deluxe

  • Westashevillehomes

    How many watts 18?


    • I always thought it was 18 watts and the reverb added 2 to 4 watts. Everything I’ve seen on specs lately shows 15 watts.

  • Gary Peeples

    wondering if you sell amp kits that include capacitors as well as a full set of tubes??

  • chris brown

    I have one of these in excellent condition I’d like to sell for 10K

  • Is the tremolo harmonic or bias on the Deluxe?

  • Danny Hubbard

    The trem on the smaller brown Fenders (Princeton, Deluxe, Vibrolux) was bias vary, the trem on the “Pro Line” brown amps (Super, Pro, Concert, Twin, etc) was harmonic.

  • Everyone loves my 1961 Deluxe Reverb!
    His name is “Spanky”.

    He sports a Celestion Blue as recommended by Brophy Dale.
    My gearhead friend brought over a bunch of overdrive type pedals to compare one day.
    Spanky was on about 2.
    When my friend determined which pedal sounded best, I had him take the pedal out and plugged guitar straight in.
    Then we put Spanky on about 4 3/4 and completely blew away all those “best” pedals!

    PS – By far the best tremolo on the planet.

    • carl briscoe

      No doubt on the tremlo.
      And breakup. I’ve been using one since buying one new in 63. Best amp Fender ever made as far as I’m concerned. Play a 63 Jaguar thru it regularly. Perfect match.

    • Nice try, but Fender did not make a deluxe reverb in 61. the first Deluxe reverb was introduced in ’63.

  • I swapped a Mex Strat for an original 63 Deluxe. The tubes were replaced with the proper NOS and the usual suspect caps in the “dog house” and it sounded great until the surround on the original gave up it’s ghost. A great friend (who also provided the tubes) gave me an exact (used) but in great condition exact replacement speaker. I love this amp and, as a previous poster mentioned, my 63 Jag and the matching 63 Reverb are a great musical input for this amp.


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