
Fender Deluxe Reverb II

Model/Circuit Number:
Years of Production:
1982 – 1986
Configuration: Combo
Controls: Black, forward facing w/ white labels
Knobs: Black skirted w/ chrome center, numbered 1 – 10



  • Front: In 1, In 2, Vol (Pull for Bright), Treb, Bass – Vol (Pull for Ch Select), Gain, Master Vol, Treb, Mid (Pull for Boost), Bass, Reverb, Presense – Power Sw, Pilot Lamp
  • Rear: Fuse, Outlet (grounded, polarized), Ground Sw (A/Off/B), Speaker (1/4



Grill Cloth:

Logo: Grill mounted, raised, chrome & black script
Weight: 32 lbs.

Effects: Reverb, Channel Switching
Watts: 20 watts

  • Pre amp: 7025 ; 12AT7
  • Power: 2 x 6V6GTA
  • Bias: Fixed
  • Rectifier: Solid State


12 thoughts on “Fender Deluxe Reverb II

  • The 32lbs quoted by Fender is ‘hopeful’ at best.  This amp is a deal heavier than that.  Mine weighs close to 50lbs (Celestion Speaker).  With the standard speaker you’re still probably looking at 45lbs.  The cab is the same as used in the 112 Concert of the same period so the caster mounting holes are pre-drilled.

  • Spinaspen

     Selling the Deluxe Reverb II amp. Gr8 shape and sound for a classic amp.


    Have a Fender Deluxe Reverb II for sale contact Bruce

  • Is this Point to Point wiring or Printed Circuit Board?

    • John Heath Jr

      I don’t thinks it’s either. Point to Point (PTP) can result in a mess of wires crossing each other causing noise. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is the green computer looking thing. The DRII is hand wired on a turret board that is easier to repair than PCB and routes wiring better than PTP.

  • Robert Ironside

    For an 1983 Super champ, would you know of what caps or a list of caps to get in order to chuck the old caps?

    I just want to get that for my old guy [amp]. I’m pretty sure at least one of them are done. I know now what it takes for tubes [going to retube it too].

    All the Best,


  • Chris

    These amps are 80 watts.

  • de jong

    DeLuxe reverb is a 20 watt amp.

  • I have had a DRII bought new in 1987. Three years ago I fitted a Celestion Gold speaker. There are many comments about the high gain channel being horrible. With this speaker it is just gorgeous. Using the Mid pulled out makes solos with my humbucker guitars so thick and creamy. The clean channel is beautifully clean and rings like a bell. I have Twin reverb II still with the original Fender speakers and using the pair in tandem with an Ibanez CS9 chorus is simply a joy.

  • paul analco

    reverb tank code replacement please…


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