Fender Narrow Panel Tweed Deluxe
Model/Circuit Number: 5E3
Years of Production: 1955 – 1960
Era: Narrow Panel
Configuration: Combo
Controls: Chrome top facing w/ white screened labels, controls numbered 1-12
Knobs: Black Chicken Head
- Front: Ground Sw, Fuse (2A), Power Sw, Pilot Lamp, Vol, Mic Vol, Tone, In, In, Mic In, Mic In
- Rear:
- Dimensions: 16” x 20” x 9 1/2”
- Hardware:
- Handle: Raised Brown Leather
- Feet: Glides
- Corners:
Covering Material
- Tolex/Tweed: Diagonal Tweed
- Grill Cloth: Dark Brown Linen (55) or Brown Grill Cloth
Logo: Cabinet mounted, Script
Weight: 25 lbs.
- Size: 1 x 12
- Impedance: 8 ohms
- Model: Jensen P12R or Jensen P12Q(For more info, check out the Jensen Replacement Speakers)
~Watts: 15 watts
- Pre amp: 12AY7
- Power: 2 x 6V6GT
Bias: Cathode Bias
Rectifier: 5Y3GT
Comments: A speaker jack and ex. speaker jack were located under the chassis. Later amps of this era have logo tags that include the words “Deluxe” and/or “Fullerton, California”
Trying to figure out what and how old this amp is’ Serial # under the fuse is D006082…I have only the chassis. No spkr or cab. Looks like 50’s deluxe amp …5E3 circuit.. serial # make any sense??
L’ampli a metà corsa del potenziometro cominciava a distorcere e ho dovuto modificare lo schema del circuito,inserendo il controllo Bias alle griglie controllo delle 6V6 con tensione negativa da 26 volt,è solo migliorata di poco la distorsione,però il problema rimane,perchè????
La distorsione che senti è quella tipica del 5e3.
L’alternativa è utilizzare la PaulC mod
L’amp avrà più clean, ma perderà il tipico sound del tweed deluxe.
Anyone know what the cabinet chassis cutout is for the 1955 5E3 Small Box Deluxe?