AmplifiersDeluxeFenderTweed Narrow Panel

Fender Narrow Panel Tweed Deluxe

Model/Circuit Number: 5E3
Years of Production:
1955 – 1960
Era: Narrow Panel
Configuration: Combo
Controls: Chrome top facing w/ white screened labels, controls numbered 1-12
Knobs: Black Chicken Head

  • Front: Ground Sw, Fuse (2A), Power Sw, Pilot Lamp, Vol, Mic Vol, Tone, In, In, Mic In, Mic In
  • Rear:



Replace your electronics with a Fender Tweed Deluxe Style Small Parts Kit

Covering Material

  • Tolex/Tweed: Diagonal Tweed
  • Grill Cloth: Dark Brown Linen (55) or Brown Grill Cloth

Logo: Cabinet mounted, Script
Weight: 25 lbs.

~Watts: 15 watts

  • Pre amp: 12AY7
  • Power: 2 x 6V6GT

Bias: Cathode Bias
Rectifier: 5Y3GT
Comments: A speaker jack and ex. speaker jack were located under the chassis. Later amps of this era have logo tags that include the words “Deluxe” and/or “Fullerton, California”

4 thoughts on “Fender Narrow Panel Tweed Deluxe

  • Daven

    Trying to figure out what and how old this amp is’ Serial # under the fuse is D006082…I have only the chassis. No spkr or cab. Looks like 50’s deluxe amp …5E3 circuit.. serial # make any sense??

    • Caracter

      L’ampli a metà corsa del potenziometro cominciava a distorcere  e ho dovuto modificare lo schema del circuito,inserendo il controllo Bias alle griglie controllo delle 6V6 con tensione negativa da 26 volt,è solo migliorata di poco la distorsione,però il problema rimane,perchè????

  • Jeff M

    Anyone know what the cabinet chassis cutout is for the 1955 5E3 Small Box Deluxe?


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