
Fender Pawn Shop Vaporizer

Model/Circuit Number: Fender Pawn Shop Vaporizer
Years of Production: 2013 – Present
Era: Pawn Shop
Configuration: Combo
Controls: Steel, top rear mounted, black labels w/ no numbering
Knobs: Black round plastic w/ silver centers & black pointers

  • Front: Normal In, Bright In, red “Vaporizer Mode” jewel light, Volume, Tone, Reverb, blue jewel pilot, Power switch
  • Rear: 2A fuse, Reverb output, reverb input, Speaker disconnect jack, Footswitch jack


  • Dimensions: 17″ H X 24.75″ W X 10.5″ D
  • Handle: Black hinged suitcase style
  • Feet: Round black rubber

Covering Material

  • Tolex/Tweed: Dimpled vinyl, “Surf Green”, “Slate Blue”, or “Rocket Red”
  • Grill Cloth: Silver Grill Cloth

Logo: Special “Vaporizer” atom logo, cabinet mounted top center
Weight: 37 lbs.
Speakers/Load: 2 x 10″ / 8 ohms

  • Speaker Model: Fender Vaporizer Special Design ceramic
  • Effects: Reverb, “Vaporizer Mode” bypass overdrive
    Watts: 12 Watts

    • Pre amp: 2 X 12AX7
    • Power: 2 X 6BQ5/EL84

    Bias: Cathode
    Rectifier: Solid State


    3 thoughts on “Fender Pawn Shop Vaporizer

    • Steve Soraci

      I’m getting a squeel oming from the amp I disconnect the reverb tank and it goes away. I tried contact cleaner it worked for a short spell but it came back. Any ideas on a fix. Possibly replacing reverb tank…..

      • Al Kelly

        I had the same problem, it appeared to be the casing on the reverb tank picking up sympathetic vibrations and causing feedback in the reverb. I shimmed the casing with some folded up business cards under each edge of the casing, being careful not to put the card so deep they interfere with the springs. Started with one folded up card under the middle of each edge, added more cards until feedback stopped. The idea is to make a little cardboard damper between the casing of the tank and the cabinet.

    • James

      Is the surf green Vaporizer2x10 for sale


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