3 thoughts on “Fender Silverface Dual Showman

  • Jon Harris

    The schematic is same as Twin AB763 1965-1969 Then CBS changed to fixed bias no control and messed it up. Some early 1970’s might
    also be AB763 1968 was first year of silverface. Bandmaster is piggyback of pro. Dual showman is piggyback of twin. Piggybacks allowed for some different speaker configurations such as 15″ speakers. Some Dual Showman Reverb had JBL D130 option with small tag on bottom right front of cabinet. Jimi had a 69 JBL version. you can tell years by drip edge and color of grill. 69 had drip edge edge and a blue green element to color of cloth. Hope this helps someone. I rebuild tube amps and still have my 67 Deluxe reverb and 67 Bandmaster. Plus a few others.

    • Hi…
      we have an 8 x 10″ speaker (fender special design) cab… wondering how you would categorize it?…much thanks

    • Ronald Robbins

      I have a Fender Dual Showman that is silverface with vibrato, but no reverb. I think I bought it around 1967 or 1968 from a friend along with his Fender Jaguar. Recently, my friend was interested in buying it back and I was willing to sell. When he saw it he said it wasn’t his because he had a blackface. This is the only Showman I have ever owned so I don’t understand the issue. I am trying to understand where it fits in the Showman history. Oh, by the way I once loaned this amp to Ricky Nelson and The Stone Canyon band for a performance where his amp went out.


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