
Fender Silverface Pro Reverb

Model/Circuit Number: AB668, AA1069 
Years of Production:
Era: Silverface
Configuration: Combo
Controls: Silver, forward facing w/ blue labels
Knobs: Black skirted w/ chrome center, numbered 1 – 10


  • Front: 68-76: Normal: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Bass – Vibrato: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Bass, Rev, Speed, Intensity – Pilot Lamp 76-82: Normal: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Mid, Bass – Vibrato: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Mid, Bass, Rev, Speed, Inte, Master Volume
  • Rear: 68-76: AC Outlet, Ground Sw, Fuse (2A), Power Sw, Standby Sw, Speaker Jack, Ex. Speaker Jack, Vibrato Jack, Reverb Jack, Reverb Out, Reverb In 76-82: AC Outlet, Ground Sw, Fuse (2½A), Power Sw, Standby Sw, Speaker Jack, Ex. Speaker Jack, Line Out, Tube Matching Adj, Vibrato Jack, Reverb Jack, Reverb Out, Reverb In, Hum Balance


Covering Material

Logo: Grille mounted, raised, chrome & black script
Weight: 58 lbs. (26.3 Kg)

Effects: Reverb, Tremolo
~Watts: 40 or 70 (late models) Watts

  • Pre amp: Normal: 7025 Vibrato: 7025, ½ 7025, Phase Inverter: 12AT7 (long tailed), Other: Reverb Driver: 12AT7 Reverb Recovery: ½ 7025 Tremolo: 12AX7 (photoresistor)
  • Power: 2 x 6L6GC

Bias: Fixed, adjustment pot (AA668?) or balance pot (AA1069)
Rectifier: 5U4GB, Some ’78 and ’79 models had a solid state rectifier.

Comments: * Some of the PRO RVB AA1069 Circuits (Silverface with the Mid control)came with a solid state rectifier. * Fender switched back to the blackface era cosmetics some time in 1980. Pro Reverbs produced between late 1980 and 1982 have a black control panel and silver sparkle grille cloth. * A Boost switch, master volume, and hum balance control was added before Pro Reverb was discontinued.


Avg Model Year PriceAvg Monthly Price ChartAvg Monthly Price
YearQtyAvg Price
13 Years172755

NOTE: Trend is a linear fit to the weighted per-month average price. It only serves as an abstract notion of general direction of the data and is not to be considered a predictor of future vintage amplifier prices.
MonthQtyAvg Price
1 Months1800

18 thoughts on “Fender Silverface Pro Reverb

  • Just picked one up and Really Loving the Fender Reverb,   wanted a 60’s blackface but wasn’t in my Budget but neverless I’m very happy right now

  • jimmy

    Hi, does anyone know the age of my Pro Reverb serial # 730834 ? It has the master vol on far right of the face panel. thanks. Jimmy

  • I recently acquired a 1976 Pro Reverb #A-20095 and it had been stored (and NOT very conscientiously I might add) for the past 20 years. I had to replace the wall plug as it had been cut off. Lo and behold i plug it in and she fired right up , there does seem to be a short of some sort when I warm it up it sometimes doesn’t punch right into it’s wonderfully clear distinct sigh voicing s , it is as if it with a few wiggles of the Master Volume Pot is jostled into submission . NOTE sometimes easier than others and it is accompanied by a rather rude “hum” or disruptive signal. What would or could be the possible trouble shooting area’s I should check and can figure on as the possible culprit in my Amps vulgar entrance when called upon to electrify my strings

    • Marshall 50w

      I suggest checking the valves these are often the problem

    • Gerry Juster

      Always check tubes first, then connections, such as dirty or loose tube sockets. It is possible that twisting the master volume could suggest a dirty or sticky control pot. Bite the bullet and have an amp tech go through the amp. Also, have them check the caps and resistors. Your initial investment is but a starting point with an amp of such age. If your preamp tubes are good hang on to them as backups. If power tubes need to be replaced always replace the phase inverter too. Final recommendation is to install a grounded three prong power cord. Good luck.

  • Tom Titus

    A 10837 s/n for my ’68 Pro Reverb that was purchased in Dec ’67. Is this one of the ‘3’ produced in ’67? with the AA165 circuit…

    • Tommy Hannum

      Hi. I have a ser number A10474 pro rev…transformer codes are nov and dec of 67. Panel replaced…you think it was black or silver?
      Chart says the 65 circuit.

      • Tom Titus

        T Hannum- my understanding is that when CBS was bought out, in the fall of ’67, Fender started the transformation to silver face amps. But what they did was use as much of the materials on hand at the time to make the amps. My amp has the blackface specs with the silverface looks…special amp to me…original to me…I’m now 65…

  • Hi,

    Just took the tape measure to my 1980 Pro Reverb and it measures 10″ deep and 26 and a 1/2″ wide.

  • Just bought a 81 Pro reverb. ..Just a great sounding amp…Typical Fender cleans and just enough of all the good stuff…Its a very underrated model…I have heard that the 1980 82 model had the heavy Power Transformers but Paul Rivera liked it that way….I have found this amp actually delivers on all fronts…That true glassy clean mind chillng spank from all the Silver Face era Amps of which I have had three…but just the right amount of output from the 70 watts the Reliability of those indestructible huge power transformers thanks to Paul Rivera’s input and an amp that comes in at around 60 pounds…NICE!…So a light SF Twin…My last amp a Super Twin Reverb was great but at 91 pounds 42kgs just to much for me and my back!…I would suggest do your research. …I believe the 70s era while the did sound nice and great for recording and giging…See if you can find one of these 1980-82…These are a marriage of Perfection. …I bought my first Fender Super Reverb in 1979 at 15…So I’ve kicked a few tyres!


    I’ve owned three Pro Reverbs in my long and checkered career: a 1967 that cost me $250 in the mid 1970s, an early silverface (non-MV) in the mid 90s that cost 300, and a 1975 MV unit I picked up recently for 350. The blackface was paired with a Guild X-170 with Guild humbuckers. The tone of that amp was such that I was constantly fighting it to get the Fender sparkle and chime, probably a combination of a neophyte amp user’s limited knowledge of the use of tone controls and the dark nature of the Guild’s pickups. The second Pro’s tone was quite good, paired with a Heritage H-550, traded it for a Roland JC120. The latest one was a real find- it came with a pair of K 120 JBLs! Tonally, with those speakers, my Epiphone Sheraton’s mini-humbuckers really shine,and the amp is doubly killer- tone, and on my back! However, the sound is worth it.

  • I bought a ’76 on ebay a few years ago, it has the tube rectifier to it’s the 45 watt version,the Oxford speakers were blown ,so I replaced them with Eminence Red,white& blue. took it to a tech who fixed a loose wire inside the reverb tank transformer, so since then it has been sounding glorious , that pure clean Fender tone where you can almost hear the glass in the tubes.Wonderful amp,will keep until the day I cannot play anymore.

  • I have a 1976 Pro Reverb. I purchased it in a sorry state from Guitar Center in 2017 for $850; speakers were trashed and the power tubes were completely shot. About 250 dollars of speakers (Warehouse Guitar Speakers G12C/S, killer speakers that look great to boot) and repairs later came one of the best sounding amps i’ve ever heard. Rich and full dynamic clean tones and reverb and takes pedals supremely well. I play a Gibson Les Paul Special Double Cutaway with P90s through it and it screams! Don’t sleep on these amps!

  • I actually prefer the Master Volume later models. Lots and lots of tonal variations.
    One of my favorites for sure

  • Captain Chris

    I bought a Pro in Feb 1970 for $350 at Axelrod’s Music in Providence RI, to use in our neighborhood band, so I could be heard over the drums ! I had it until the late 80s/early 1990, and sold it to a friend, also in a band. I put a new set of 12 AX7s and a pair of 6L6 finals, just because they had a lot of hours on them. It was really heavy to drag around, I’ll say that ! And I used it tilted back most of the time, and made an ‘extension’ speaker to give more volume to the gig. It was a very good amplifier, and I always wondered why it was discontinued, considering they replace most of the tube amps in the next few years, with freakin’ solid state crap.

    Just my $0.02

  • Gerry Juster

    Mine is a ‘73 Silverface (A730922) variety at 40 watts with a master volume. Replaced the stock speakers with Weber 12A150’s. Alnico speakers that are drop dead gorgeous ear candy in this amp. Replaced all tubes with old stock RCA’s, just what Fender put in these amps back in the day. Rectifier is a Sovtek GZ34. Single coil guitars (Strat and Tele) sound best with the normal position. Humbuckers (Les Paul and Washburn 335) are best in the bright position. Had my tech go through the amp. Had to replace the four power capacitors and a couple of leaky resistors. Been playing this amp at practice sessions and gigs for close to eight years with no problems. Lots of lookie lou’s at gigs checking out the amp and constantly getting compliments about how good it sounds. Paid $800 for it before upgrades. Worth every penny. Don’t pass on these amps. The secret is out.

    • Eric Filsinger

      Is the master factory?


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