
Fender Studio Bass

Model/Circuit Number:
Years of Production:
1977 – 1980
Configuration: Combo
Controls: Black Forward facing with white labels
Knobs: Black skirted w/ chrome center, numbered 1 – 10 (EQ knobs numberd -5 to +5)



  • Front: Power Sw, Standby Sw, Pilot Lamp – In, In, Vol, Treb, Mid, Bass, Presence – 1850 Hz, 1000 Hz, 390 Hz, 180 Hz, 80 Hz – Output
  • Rear: Speaker Jack, ? Jack, Hum Balance Adj, ? Jack, Output Tubes Matching Adj, Fuse (3A)


Covering Material

  • Tolex/Tweed: Black Tolex
  • Grill Cloth: Black Acoustic Foam with White Trim

Logo: Grill mounted, raised, chrome & black script

Effects: Active EQ
~Watts: 200 watts

  • Pre amp: 2 x 7025
  • Power: 6 x 6L6GC

Bias: Fixed Bias
Rectifier: Solid State

Comments: Active EQ: 12AU7

7 thoughts on “Fender Studio Bass

  • Coaster7

    Dim ht 35″ width 26″. Depth 12.5″
    Rear panel. Speaker jack, line out,output tube matching pot, pedal equalizer , hum balance pot, power out (3 prong)’ fuse, ground switch
    Closed back cabinet.
    Great deep full bass tones.

  • I use this as a seperate head- I bought it as a head only, in a Fender Bassman headcase. Super amp & LOVELY crunchy overdrive tones. REALLY versatile with the Active EQ, but I mostly use the standard (PASSIVE) Bassman type EQ & just use the active to boost/cut a problem freq in a room. [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG]

  • Joško Franičević

    It’s very good bass amplifier.I wont to have one.

  • Fred van der Wende

    hello guy’s

    i’m a bassplayer from the Netherlands i have a Studio Bass combo and i like to seperate the amp to use it in a headcase..

    who can tell me the
    dimensions to put the amp in a headcase? because mine stay’s in a studio faraway. i can buy a headcase that comes from a Fender Super Reverb does it fit?

    who can help me out?
    (sorry for my English)

    best regards
    Fred vd Wende

  • chris piercey

    I currently have one for sale if anyone is interested. any idea what these are valued at? serial number on my unit is A833353. contact me at or send me a text at 703-408-2395

  • Andy Wellens

    To put in a head case, you need the dimensions of a twin reverb chassis.
    Tubetown has some, mojotone, tube amp doctor, … to name a few.



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