
Fender Super 112

Years of Production: 1990 – 1992
Era: Red Knob
Configuration: Head
Controls: Black forward facing w/ white labels, controls numbered 1 – 10
Knobs: Red or Black Pointer Knob, Unnumbered



  • Front: In, In, Vol (clean), Gain, Vol (drive), Channel Sw, Treb, Mid, Bass, Reverb, Presence, Footswitch In, Standby Sw, Power Sw, Pilot Lamp
  • Rear: 8 Ohm Speaker Out, 4 Ohm Speaker Out, Line Out, Power Amp In, Pre Amp Out


Covering Material

  • Tolex/Tweed: Black Tolex
  • Grill Cloth: Dark Gray Grillcloth

Logo: Grill mounted, raised, chrome & black script

Effects: Reverb
~Watts: 60 watts

  • Pre amp: 2 x 12AX7
  • Power: 2 x 6L6gc

Bias: Fixed Bias


10 thoughts on “Fender Super 112

  • Brucec

    Also has 1X12AT7

  • Kevin Walsh

    Great amp. I’ve had mine at least 15 years and have used Mesa’s, Vox, Rickenbackers and newer Fenders since I got it, but keep coming back to this. More versatile than all the others. Clean sounds are amazing. The overdrive has to be really dialed in to sound good, but with pedals it’s not a big deal. Reverb is my favorite in any amp yet. Tone controls are more responsive than the newer Fenders I’ve used, and the presence/notch filter knob is extremely useful. For a great clean sound with a wide tonal range this is it.

    • Jeff Bruntzel

      Could not agree more…………. I’ve had mine since 1992 20 yrs….. Big clean open sound…… not a fan of the over drive but a pedal immediately takes care of that…….. I switched out the red knobs for black ones. now it “looks” good and sounds even better………

    • The trick to the overdrive is to pull the notch filter and set it somewhere between 0 and +2. Then set the overdrive knob somewhere between 2 and 4, and the volume around 1/2 to 1.

    • when using the overdrive pull the notch filter and set it between 12 and 2 0’clock….makes ALL the difference.

  • Jefferson Hancock

    Love mine but it takes a while to heat up. Doesn’t sound good cold. Heavy SOB, too, but once it’s hot, it rolls, baby.

  • Stefano

    Tubes are

    1x 12AT7
    2x 12AX7
    2x 6L6GC

    The info needs to be amended to show this. I just repaired one of these and they have a 12AT7 for the clean channel, 12AX7 for the dirty channel, and another 12AX7 for the Phase Inverter. Then 2 6L6 tubes.

  • Ken romer

    I want to recap mine so does anyone have a list of the caps I would need?

    • Did you find out what caps? I just got this amp on Craigslist and thinking about servicing it.

  • Best thing about the Super 112 is the notch filter control. It allows for much more tone control, to allow the mids to be more prominant than most Fender tube amps. The distortion channel is about as good as most Fender distortion channel amps, but to get the clean channel into power tube overdrive, an attenuator like a Marshall Power Brake is recommended. VERY LOUD AMP.


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