
Fender Silverface Bassman (Super, 100, 135)

Model/Circuit Number: Super Bassman ~ 1969-1971), Bassman 100 ~ 1972-1976, Bassman 135 ~ 1977-1983
Years of Production: 1969 – 1983
Era: Silverface
Configuration: Piggyback
Controls: Silver forward facing w/ blue labels
Knobs: Black skirted w/ chrome center, numbered 1 – 10


  • Front: Bass: In, In, Deep Sw, Vol, Treb, Bass – Normal: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Mid, Bass – Master Volume (72-83) – Pilot Lamp
  • Rear: Ground Sw, Fuse (?A), Power Sw, Standby Sw, Speaker Jack 1, Speaker Jack 2



Grill Cloth:

Logo: Grill mounted, raised, chrome and black script ~ 1969-1972
Weight: Super Bassman I: 155 lbs, Super Bassman II: 225 lbs, Bassman 100: 172 lbs

Watts: 100 or 135 watts

  • Pre amp: 2 x 7025 ; 12AT7
  • Power: 4 x 6L6
  • Bias: Fixed; Bias balance pot
  • Rectifier: Solid State

The Super Bassman I and Super Bassman II name referred to the number of cabs purchased.

22 thoughts on “Fender Silverface Bassman (Super, 100, 135)

  • Hi! Cool website, you got here.
    I’m repairing Bassman 135 export version (with voltage selector) these days, so I’m able give a little update:
    It uses 5A slow fuse(s). The speaker jacks are >4R each.
    Greetings from Berlin

  • Bassmith

    I used one of these as my primary amp for many years, driving 2 15s in separate cabs.  Matching GrooveTubes installed, it sounded best when loud, and then it had tremendous punch.  Never could equal an SVT though, but I owned the Fender and couldn’t afford the SVT! 

  • Good work!

    Could you add a bassman 100 schematic? The Bassman 135 is translinear, while the 100 isn’t according to the bassman 100 schematic (wasn’t allowed to attache it unfortunatly).

    Also, could you check the weights listed above, they seem to be too heavy for the heads.

    • John

      The Bassman 135 has also a mid control pot for the normal channel, a feature the Bassman 100 lacked off.

  • FlipsterB

    I own a mint ’78 Bassman 135, and this is by far the best vintage all-tube bass amp Fender has ever made.  It rocks for bass precisely for the same reason that it sucks for guitar – it is deep, clean power that doesn’t break up or distort.  You’ll try a lot a pedal combos to get what this head delivers with every tone control set in the middle, plus you have the option to jumper the second jack on the bass input channel over into the first jack on the normal channel for even more power and more tone options.  Another unique feature is that you can run either one or two 4-ohm cabs using the speaker and extension speaker jacks in the back, or just one 8-ohm cab from the extension speaker jack alone.  It even has a line out for recording.  I have played Hartke, SWR, Genz Benz, Behringer, and a ’66 Blackface Bassman head, and this 135 is my final choice.  It’s a little-known gem!

    • The Bassman 100 and 135 were long-time favorites of punk-rock bands such as Sex Pistols and The Ramones. Glen Matlock purchased his Bassman 100 for £99 in the mid-70s.

    • Is the 76 bassman the same ??? 8 ohm on the 2nd speaker jack????
      Thank you

  • Hello, sorry but I don’t know much about any of this, my husband owns what is called a Bassman 100 silverface Fender amp, he has had it since before we got married, it is all original parts, and has a bunch of tubes in back it is still in wonderful working order, I do know this because he plays it every other night it seems. I was trying to determine how much it is worth as we are insuring our household items and I am trying to make a list of all valuables to put in a fireproof lock box in case anything ever happens. Does any one here have any idea of what something like this is valued at?

  • I have a 1976 Bassman 135 is the ex speaker jack 8 ohm’s???
    This would make getting a new 4×10 so much easier

    • mojotone

      Hello, the Bassman 135 is a Min. 4 ohm load, as spec’d by Fender, which means you can run both Jacks to 8 ohm cabs.

  • Sarge

    A friend of mine has a 1971 Bassman head, there are no stickers or name plates on it any more and we are wanting to know what the impedance rating would be on the head? He is looking to get a 1×12 or 2×12 cabinet to go with it and need this info. Thanks!

    • mojotone

      Hey Sarge that amp should be setup for a 4 ohm load.

  • tony leudy

    I am looking to get some fusses for my bassman head….what type and where can i get them? thanks . pls email me at thank you.

  • Hi,

    Looks like this site might be able to give me some answers

    I’m trying to restore and bring back to original specs, my 135 Bassman head. The tone controls, either need a cleaning or will have to be replaced, I get allot of static noise when it turn them up or down. If I choose to replace them, can you supply, or do I have to go back to Fender itself. Also, can you explain how it remove the guts from the wood casing. I’d also like to put new hardware amp handle, and metal trim and screws. If I choose to try and clean, how should I go about it, blowing it out, or some type of cleaner, in my mind, it’s not the answer, unless you have suggestions.


  • Jan Fedder

    Hello, just want to replace the Volumepotentiometer on the left of my Bassman 135. Which one can i use?



    any help to my question–>

  • 1975 Fender Bassman for sale with original paperwork (including wiring schematic). It is in great working condition and looks great too!

  • What was the original price of a Bassmaster 135 in 1980, cab price too, if you know it.

  • fifaye44

    Does anyone know the origins tubes ( valves ) on a bassman Silverface 100 ?
    I read RCA in preamp and Genelec in power … I think that he meant Genalex .
    Someone could tell me if these brands ? or what else… ( not an expresso please 😉 )

  • Eric Carlson

    fifaye44, I have an all original 1973 Bassman 100 on the bench right now. All the tubes are RCA.

  • Martin

    Hi.. what was the name of the circuits in the Bandmaster 100 ? Is it a modified AB165? Does it have a circuit model ID number like the famous circuits of the ’50s and ´60s?


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