
Fender Bandmaster Reverb

Model/Circuit Number: AA768, AA568, AA1069, or TFL5005
Years of Production:
1968 – 1980
Era: Silverface
Configuration: Piggyback
Controls: Silver forward facing w/ blue labels
Knobs: Fender Black Skirted 1-10


  • Front: Normal: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Bass – Vibrato: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Mid, Bass, Speed, Intensity, Reverb – Master Vol (76-80) – Pilot Lamp
  • Rear: AC Outlet, Ground Sw, Fuse (2A), Power Sw, Standby Sw, Speaker Jack, Ex. Speaker Jack, Vibrato Jack, Reverb Jack, Reverb Out, Reverb In


Covering Material

Logo: Grille mounted, raised, chrome & black script, with tail, (76) changed to the script, no tail logo.
Weight: 117 lbs

  • Size: 2 x 12
  • Impedance: 4 ohms
  • Model: Oxford 12T6, Utah 12” (ceramic) and JBL D-120(For more info, check out the Jensen Replacement Speakers)

Effects: Tremolo, Reverb
~Watts: 40 watts

  • Pre amp: 7025, 12 AT7
  • Power: 2 x 6L6GC

Bias: Fixed, Adjustment Pot
Rectifier: 5U4GB

Comments: AA568 included a major change to the bias section of the power amp which was poorly received so Fender changed the model design to the AA1069 but kept much of the disliked circuitry. The aluminum trim was deleted from cabinets when the AA1069 model appeared in 1970. In 1970 a grounded AC plug and three-position ground switch were added to the rear panel.

13 thoughts on “Fender Bandmaster Reverb

  • Webster Phreaky

    I have an early 1969 made TFL5005 BMR with a AA1069 circuit (SN confirmed thru Fender). So your 1970 date for the appearance of the AA1069 is not correct

    • Johnston

      The AA1069 circuit was released in October 1969 (10-69) . Thats how the old Fender circuits are deciphered… i.e, AB763 = July 1963, etc. So its highly unlikely an early ’69 would have a circuit that wasn’t in production yet…

  • B Holbrook

    117 lbs… really? That’s one dense mofo…

    • That 117-LB weight is the head and 2 x 12″ cabinet combined. The speaker cabinet weighs 52-Lbs by itself.

  • The AA568 uses a GZ34, and the whole lot of these BMR up to the late ’70’s ultralinear models, where the transformer increases power to 70 watts/RMS. All of them prior are the same as a Super Reverb 763 except the output tranny which is 4 ohm and doesn’t have the same grunt. This is good, as you can Blackface them very easily by just change a few components which will fix the Bias also. Get rid of those huge 2000pf caps to ground on the Power Tubes and get your tech to solder 1ohm resistors to ground on pin 8 for power tubes. Makes biasing so much easier. Great amps and cheap!

  • Anyone have a 69 for sale or know of a cheep one somewhere ?

      • Is you bandmaster and speaker set still available?

      • Gene ware

        I am interested in the bandmaster if you still have it ? My phone number is 434 907 7382. Thanks!!!!

  • Let me know if your bandmaster head and speakers are still availiable.


  • Jimi Nash

    I have a Fender Bandmaster Reverb Combo – TFL5005-D it says, with ‘x10″ speakers.
    Seems like a non-existing model in cyberspace,
    did anyone came across another one?

  • I am trying to find out about a silver face 5005..what appears from serial number to be 71..
    Has a 2 ohm ..instead of 4 ohm rating on back. Plate…
    Has anyone else have this..?


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