
Fender Blackface Bandmaster

Model/Circuit Number: AB763
Years of Production:
1963 – 1967
Era: Blackface
Configuration: Piggyback
Controls: Black forward facing w/ white labels
Knobs: Black skirted w/ chrome center, numbered 1 – 10



  • Front: Normal: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Bass – Vibrato: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Bass, Speed, Intensity – Pilot Lamp
  • Rear: AC Outlet, Ground Sw, Fuse (2A), Power Sw, Standby Sw, Speaker Jack, Ex. Speaker Jack, Vibrato Jack

Cabinet Dimensions:


Grill Cloth:


  • Grill mounted, flat Black ~ 1963
  • Raised, chrome & black, script with tail ~ 1964-1967

Weight: 49.5 lbs.

Effects: Tremolo
Watts: 40 watts

  • Pre amp: 2 x 7025 and 12AT7
  • Power: 2 x 6L6GC
  • Bias: Fixed bias adjustment pot
  • Rectifier: Solid State

2×12 Cabinet dimensions changed to 29-1/2″ x 40″ x 11-1/2″ with the speakers were placed one above the other.

32 thoughts on “Fender Blackface Bandmaster

  • This model also was configured as a single 15 cabinet containing a single JBL D130 for 6 string guitars, used mostly by country and blues players.   The single 15″ cabinet was also loaded with a JBL D140 used with the Fender Bassman. This information was gained after several hours of research.

  • Hi:

    How does the grille on the amp head connect to the amp head cabinet? I don’t see any screw heads showing.
    Thank you

    • Ed Sullivan

      The grill fastens on to the front of the cabinet from the other side with screws (inside the cabinet). Speaker cabinet is the same way.

  • The power head has slotted brackets, one on each side that slide out. The speaker enclosure has threaded inserts that accept “piggyback thumb screws” to secure the head to the enclosure.

  • Mike

    I am looking for a cover for my 67 (68?) Bandmaster Speaker Cabinet: 29½” x 40″ x 11½” with 2 12″ speakers (one on top of each other) Any help would be much appreciated. I gig with it often and really need to protect it.

    • Your post will be 2 years old, soon, but I make custom covers.

  • Mike

    Also, I pair it with a 1971 Dual Showman Reverb amp and I’m looking for an amp cover for that as well. (26″ W x 9 1/2 D x 13″H) I am having a tough time finding covers for these.

  • I was given a ’64 Bandmaster head that I rebuilt to pretty good working conditions. I always found the amp to not be quite what I wanted sound wise. Finally, I was given a Peavey KB100-a less than stellar amp, IMHO, but what it gave me is so cool. The cabinet fit a 15″ Black Widow @ 4 Ohms. Just what that amp needs. Now, every kind of guitar I own sounds great through it. Those two pieces of equipment were just made for each other, in my opinion. The equipment is big, bulky, and heavy and I’m in my 60’s now. So what! It sounds so good with an L5, Les Paul, Strat, Tele, SG Les Paul and classical electric, that once I’m set up, I forget the weight and just enjoy a great sound!

  • b1uesman44

    I’m pretty sure Utah speakers were also used in Bandmasters beginning in ’65. Anyone out there have a bandmaster cabinet with original Blue Label Utah speakers? I’m trying to figure out the source of all the Blue label 12′ Utah speakers from the 60’s.

    • Stevedenver

      Yes my 66 BM has utahs.

    • My BM has black labeled Utahs. Haven’t been able to place the year… 64/5 maybe?

  • There is a switch for the ground behind the amp, do I need to turn it on? and does it have to be to the left or to the right? and does anyone know if there is a owners manual somewhere for this?

    • The “Ground” switch is kinda misleading. Since the amp was designed and built before power mains had a ground (three prong plugs), the chassis is connected, through a capacitor (called the cap of death), to one of the two power lines. Switching the “Ground” switch switches between which of the power lines the chassis is connected to. The idea is that if your amp was humming, switch to the other power line to stop the hum.

      However, if the cap of death goes bad and shorts, you now have a “hot” chassis and can get electrocuted if you touch it and something else that is not grounded properly. Hence the name “cap of death”.

      It is highly recommended (and does not affect the collectability of the amp) to get it converted to a 3 prong plug, and have the chassis grounded properly. I just acquired a ’67 Bandmaster, and that was the first thing I did to it. First thing I did to my ’71 Univox bass amp, too.

      As a side note, the Bandmaster I got… Someone had taken a can of black spray paint to the whole head, faceplate, knobs, grill cloth and all. Even got paint on the tubes and covers. I have got it mostly cleaned up and am tracking down new grill cloth. What a horrible thing to do. Well, at least the pawn shop didn’t know what it was (because it was all ugly black) and I got it reeeeeal cheap. Works and sounds great.

  • I actually have a blackface bandmaster head and am looking for a 2 by 12 cab for it.
    Contact me if anyone knows anyone that has one

    • Josh, I might have what you need

    • Ed Sullivan

      Mojotone makes exact replica cabinets for around $300.

    • Roger David Eisenhardt

      Got one for you.

  • Earlier in this thread it is erroneously stated that the 1960s “Bandmaster” piggy back cabinet contained one fifteen inch speaker. This is a common misconception. 1961-63, there was a Rough Blonde tolex one twelve version of the “tone ring” cabinet, and a smooth blonde tolex version in 63-64. ( these versions had oxblood and wheat grille cloth respectively although there are many transitional variants ). Many mistake these for a single fifteen because they will accommodate a fifteen inch speaker if the metal one twelve “tone ring” is removed. The “Showman” cabinet did have a single fifteen inch speaker offered in a ring and non-ring variations in the 60s.
    Furthermore the cabinet dimensions of the 62-66 “Bandmaster” and 60-66 “Bassman” are misrepresented herein. The”Bandmaster” and “Bassman” of this era were exactly the same size ( 32″ x 20″ x 11″, NOT 32x21x11 as published ) The only way to differentiate between the “Bandmaster” and “Bassman” speaker cabinet is the location of the thumb screw receptacles on the top of the cabinet. All other hardware is placed identically.

  • interestingly enough, im looking into as much as i can on the 1965 bandmaster cabinet because i baught one for 400 beans.tolex is in pretty darn good shape.the grill is almost perfect.has the steel chrome fender plaque.the space of the piggyback anchors are correct for a bandmaster.has 1 handle,has ancient white plastic wheel casters(probably installed after purchase)its missing the kick stands+stops and back panel screws,(sure sigh of infiltration)also except for the baffle it has old pink paperback insulation on all sides and 2 pieces on back panel.has cloth black and white wirespeaker to speaker and brown lamp cord to the input jack. has a date correct Jensen 220543. however its a 6.3 ohm C12PS not a C12N or a Oxford 12T6. not sure if its original but the date seems correct,as the date stamp on the cabinet center baffle which is FC32065 (320th day 65th year)no idea what the FC is.but the other speaker is a silver frame(unpainted)looks like a 4 slot CTS frame and has a smaller ceramic round magnet and the positive red dot is on the right instead of the left terminal.with 4 sets of numbers in red stamp which make no sense. 978 1008 are two sets i forget the rest, but none of the numbers made sense of a speaker code from any manufacturer and cant figure a date out of them looks like it was face mounted at one time given the light residue around the back of the ring.pretty sure that one was changed because of that alone.but not so sure the C12PS makes sense either. im supposing the date being in October 65 that it was when CBS took over and maybe they used what they could and had to push stuff out the door? i will say one sounds incredible with bluesbreaker amp.(i wired the speakers in series for 16 ohms to be in a safe watt zone so they don extract themselves from the magnet port.anyone have any ideas on weather what i have is original or not?

  • gary gall

    Would a marshall cabinet 4 x 12 120 watts 16ohm work with a bandmaster head?

  • Ed Sullivan

    The Bandmaster head is 4 ohms. As long as you don’t drive the power amp into clipping, 16 ohms should be fine, but it won’t be as loud as a 4 ohm cabinet.

  • I have a vertical standing Fender 2×12 cabinet with blue back Utah speakers dated to ’65. The cab/amp mount holes measure to 24 1/2 inches. I assume this cab was made for the Bandmaster. It’s dimensions are 29x39x11 1/2. There is a small metal plate on the bottom of the cab with a number P09342. I read a couple comments elsewhere on the net about these cabs only being produced for a few moths between the fall of ’66 to early spring ’67. I’m looking for more info on this. I assume a Bassman from this period would be OK to run through this and am trying to decide which to get a Bassman or Bandmaster. I play loud blues/rock-a-billy style with no effects, just natural break-up. I had a ’64 Tremolux that I liked, sold it in a fit a fit of stupid.

    • Brian Arnold

      A Bandmaster should be perfect for guitar. If you want it to have a lower volume at break-up, like the Tremolux, have a technician put in a resistor to drop the high voltage. That’s about the only difference between the two amps.

      • Brian Arnold

        I forgot that the Tremolux also had a tube rectifier. I believe there is enough room in the Bandmaster to install one.

  • I have a Fender 2×12 Speaker Cabinet with dimensions of 32″W x 11.5″L x 21″H.
    Closed back
    Silver grill cloth
    Needs new speakers (does not contain originals)
    Looks like it was manufactured 1964-1967 for the Blackface Bandmaster piggyback setup, according to Ampwares.
    If anyone is looking for one, let me know. I’m in Chillicothe, Ohio.

    • I realize this reply is nearly 18 months later, but I am interested in your cabinet if it is still available for the right price. I am in the Atlanta area, however. I’m about ready to build my own and was looking for the correct dimensions and saw your post.

      • Mark Schroeder

        Hi Bill,
        Did you find a 2 12” bandmaster cabinet yet? I have one with original Fender speakers for sale. I live just across the boarder of SC and GA off highway 378.

    • Johnny

      I know this was awhile ago do you still own this?

  • Johnny

    I’m Looking for a speaker cabinet for my 65 bandmaster head. I would prefer the smaller size cab since it is period correct and, well, looks better. Any help would be awesome.


    • Preston

      I bought a Bandmaster several years ago…was told it was a 63. It looks all original. Problem is…. in doing research…everything seems mixed up. The transformer #s or 606742. But it is blond…cab and head. With the tan gold sparkle tweed. It has tan barrel knobs ..but the face plate is black. It does have bright switches. The logo is black trim raised chrome. I’m confused to say the least. Can someone shine some light?

  • William Bailey

    Not to get off subject, but I have an old mid 70’s Ampeg V4 4×12 cabinet and it’s rated at 8 ohms. Would this be a good match for the Marshall 100 watt SLP handwired I just purchased. I am also looking to purchase the Marshall 1960TV cab if necessary.Your opinion would be appreciated.


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