
Fender Silverface Bandmaster

Model/Circuit Number: AA763, AB763, AC568, TFC-5005
Years of Production:
1968 – 1975
Era: Silverface
Configuration: Piggyback
Controls: Silver forward facing w/ blue labels
Knobs: Black skirted w/ chrome center, numbered 1 – 10


  • Front: Normal: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Bass – Vibrato: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Bass, Speed, Intensity – Pilot Lamp
  • Rear:



Grill Cloth:

Logo: Grill mounted, raised, chrome & black, script
Weight: Head: 30lbs

Effects: Tremolo
Watts: 50 watts

  • Pre amp: 1 x 12AX7, 2 x 7025, 1 x 12AT7
  • Power: 2 x 6L6
  • Bias: Fixed
  • Rectifier: Solid State or 5AR4

In August 1967, Fender changed the cosmetics once again, this time to the silverface style. The earliest of these (Aug. ’67 to July ’68) had aluminum grill trim, black vertical lines on the control panel, and a highly textured version of the famous silver/blue sparkle grill cloth. In addition, the speaker cabinet was enlarged and ported. In June 1968, the Bandmaster was given the infamous AC568 silverface circuit. The amp shown here is one of the very last silverface Bandmasters produced with the blackface AB763 circuit.

15 thoughts on “Fender Silverface Bandmaster

  • I think these are more like 40 watts, rather than 50, right?

    • I have a 67. Pretty sure it’s 50 watts.

    • 40 is correct . The Bassman was 50 watts..

  • I have a early 68, and its closer to 35 watts. Very small 2 screw output transformer.

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  • Gitman

    Have a 67 all trannies date to 67 and inside date is mid year 67. But was a drip edge when I got it. Three prong cord installed.

  • Mick Serdinsky

    I just acquired a 1968 Band master VT cabinet that needs restoration,and has no speakers. What are the correct 15″ speakers to install, or does that really matter or not? I am going to get new grille cloth and vinyl. It has the piping trim in good shape. Is all this worth it?

  • I have a ’68 2-15″CTS drip edge cabinet that I am restoring, cabinet stamped with F020668 measuring 11 3/8 x 28 7/8 x 38 7/8 and cannot find this configuration listed anywhere- the piggyback anchors are setup at 23″ on the 28″ side of cab and has a small id tag on bottom stamped P50237. I cleaned up the drip edge and made new corners, ordered the cloth from midwest speaker and the tolex bravura and new vintage hardware. I am placing anchoring at 25″ on 38″ side to accomodate larger heads and leaving plugged holes on 28″ side for future access and made new logo anchoring plate for turning cab on either side horizontal or vertical. It will be up for sale soon any interested buyers should contact me at for more info. I think it is a silverface Bandmaster but not sure any other info on this appreciated.

  • The model name “Bandmaster” covered various circuits, not at all equivalent. They ranged from 26 to 50 watts. The model number is important. For example the AB763 started life as a Blackface but was carried for a time into the Silverface era. It was indeed 50 watts. Unfortunately, it was followed by some lesser models, both in wattage and quality.
    So saying that a Bandmaster was so many watts, even ones of the same year, could well be incorrect.

  • Brian Arnold

    There were no “tilt-back legs” on the large speaker cabinets.

  • I have one of these in rough shape, was owned by my grandfather. It says 200 watts on the back of the head, next to a 2-prong power outlet. (Power to the amp is coming in from a different cord). What is the relevance of the 200watts? That can’t be the amp output, there was no 200watt model. If it is a power outlet, aren’t those usually rated in volts?

    • Lamont B Dumont

      200 watts is the power available through that outlet. Assuming ~120 volts, that would give you about 1.67 amps.

      Amps will also sometimes have the power consumption in watts near where the power cord goes in. For a tube amp, that will be 3 – 4 times the amp’s output. For solid state, it will be less than 1.5 times the amp’s output.

  • Bruce Nasmith

    I lucked out. I have an early ’68 Bandmaster and an early ’68 Showman head. They are both Silverface with backlines which indicates an AB763 circuit in the early half of ’68. I just finished adding a nice 100 watt Fender Eminence 12′ speaker to a Leslie 16 that I picked up this week. It’s also drip edge and Silverface grill cloth with the blue threads running through it. Can’t wait to jam out in Silverface AB763 heaven tomorrow.

    • Bruce Nasmith

      I meant to say “black lines”


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