
Fender Princeton Reverb II

Model/Circuit Number: 19329 
Years of Production:
1982 – 1986
Era: Rivera Blackface
Configuration: Combo
Controls: Black, forward facing w/ white labels
Knobs: Black skirted w/ chrome center, numbered 1 – 10



  • Front: In, Vol (Pull for Lead), Treb (Pull for Bright), Mid (Pull for Boost), Bass, Reverb, Lead Level, Master Vol, Presense – Power Sw, Pilot Lamp
  • Rear: Fuse (1A), Outlet (grounded, polarized), Ground Sw (A/Off/B), Speaker (1/4”), Line/Recording (1/4”), Pedal (1/4”), Pedal Red (1/4”) Reverb Out (RCA), Reverb In (RCA), Hum Balance


Covering Material

Logo: Grille mounted, raised, chrome & black script
Weight: 32 lbs.

Effects: Reverb, Channel Switching
~Watts: 22 watts

  • Pre amp: 3 x 7025 ; 1 x 12AT7
  • Power: 2 x 6V6GT

Bias: Fixed
Rectifier: Solid State

Comments: Export models have a 1 1/2A fuse. Optional footswitch Fender p/n 017007 – 2 button (lead and reverb), 2 LED, ends in 2 TRS (stereo) 1/4″ jacks. Optional factory speaker upgrade Electro-Voice 12F increased the weight. 100 only made in Oak Cabinet with brown faceplate and grill cloth, known as Super Pro series, included the EV speaker.

19 thoughts on “Fender Princeton Reverb II

  • Fender quotes 32 lbs on this amp.  Is anyone able to provide an accurate weight?

  • Blueguitar007r

    This is 1980’s blackface.

  • Ekku Apo

    I have one of these… It IS veri Michelin amp when originally speaker repalced !!!

    • Ekku Apo

      Fuck this IPad … Ment very nice amp!!!

    • Paul Dhiman

      Sorry – just saw this post. Would you be interested in selling your Princeton amp? I need one.

      Best wishes


  • I have one of these with the original spkr never use the channel switching feature mainly because I do not have the pedal to do so. Its still a great amp designed by the late Ed Jahns Perfect for small to gigs sure beats lugging around 80 pounds of twin

  • I’ve this amp since 1985. It is a good amp. Unlike the original Princeton, the 2 is a 25 watt amp, and it is pretty loud for its size. Could be used on small gigs and not too heavy or bulky. The Princeton two is a very different amp than its ancestor, designed more as a studio amp, too compete with the Mesa Boogie. It’s not a normal Fender sound, but when the Mid-boost and overdrive are not used, it is also not extremely different than say a Deluxe – tonally speaking. This amp is part of the very last generation of production point-to-point wiring. I have found this to be a reliable amp up until recently – but I’m way late on upkeep, so my bad. Overall a good amp but not an exact norm for the fender line. But the poin-to-point alone makes it valuable for enthusiasts. I have enjoyed this amp more than not.

  • jimmy mack

    I was wondering if anyone can help with advice. I have a Princeton R. II on loan to try out. Great tone on the Lead channel, with volume suitable for my gig.
    But the clean channel has little volume. Not useable on my gig! I tried all the possibilities with the Volume pot, and the Master Volume pot, but no luck.
    Anyone who knows what the problem could be? Is this normal? I hope not, as , it makes the use of the “Lead” switch unnecessary.
    Tubes, caps, switch???


    • You have either a bad 12ax7 or the 12ax7s have been mixed in the wrong sockets. I don’t have the schematic in front of me but I have seen this problem before. The problem was introduced during maintenance.

  • Jimmy O

    I just found one of these gems ! Great little amp all original and the tone is just fantastic. I also have a Champ II and a Concert all Paul Rivera era amps and they all sound great.

    • Paul Dhiman

      Desperately trying to get hold of a Princeton Reverb II – would you consider selling?

      Best wishes


      • David Robinson

        Hi, I’m selling a Fender Princeton II Rivera about 37 years old I guess!

  • I own one a couple of years. Did a recap and retube with a biasmod for tuning the 6V6 tad’s. Placed a very efficiënt Eminence Can.Rex speaker. I use the amp in BigBand-settings, is on the clean channel (master on 10) absolutely loud enough with a very good tone. The overdrive channel is horrible and not usefull.
    The PRII does 16 kg and is portable but you have to handle her with care.

  • I bought a Fender Princeton ll and I notice that some of these amps have two input jacks on the front control panel. One is far left, typical guitar input jack and the other is next to on/off switch on the far right of the control panel. If anyone has information on this I’d sure appreciate any kind of information about the two input jacks.

    • The “input socket” beside the power switch is where the red power bulb should be. Don’t go sticking a jack plug in there!!!

  • Great amp , bought it used years ago for just 280 dollars , & just replaced the original Pyle made speaker with an Eminence GB128, sounds beautiful.

  • Can anyone send a pic of the reverb unit in these. Mine seems to be an aftermarket MOD sticker- about 2”x4”

  • I purchased my PRII about two years ago. The power tube sockets do not have a key (notch) I found out the hard way… Mine has had its reverb tank moved from the side to the bottom of the cabinet. It has a Jensen C 12 N speaker. I mostly play jazz on an arch top guitar. This amp sounds great but I wonder if it could be modified to produce a more “jazzy” sound. The sound I’m looking for is mellow yet clear and focused, less bright but not muddy. I own a Webber hemp cone speaker but unfortunately its a 10″ . Any suggestions?

  • Anyone know what size the 6v6 socket is? 1” ? I need to replace mine


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