
Fender Prosonic

Model/Circuit Number:
Years of Production:
1996 – Present
Configuration: Combo
Controls: Black, forward facing w/ white screened labels, controls numbered 1-10
Knobs: Black Pointer



  • Front: In, In, Channel Sw, Vol, Gain 1, Gain 2, Treb, Bass, Mid, Master, Reverb – Pilot Lamp
  • Rear: Rectifier Sw, Power Sw, Standby Sw, Ex. Speaker Jack, Footswitch


Covering Material

Logo: Grill mounted, flat, chrome & black script
Weight: 54 lbs.

Effects: Reverb, Channel Switching
~Watts: SS Rect/AB: 60 Watts ; Tube Rect/AB: 50 watts; Tube Rect/A: 30 watts

  • Pre amp:
  • Power: 2 x 5881

Bias: Fixed Bias
Rectifier: Class A/5AR4, Class AB/5AR4, Class AB/Solid State (switchable)

Comments: The Prosonic includes a switch for changing the operation class of the amplifier. (see Rectifier)

25 thoughts on “Fender Prosonic

  • Prosonic Fan

    Prosonic discontinued in 2002. Several models were made in the Custom shop before assembly line mass production.

    You know you have a Custom Shop Prosonic if it has four things.
    It will say “Fender Musical instruments” under the jewel lamp.It might say “Fender Custom Amp Shop” on the tube diagram inside the amp.The serial number that starts with LO instead of CR. It has a green jewel light (not a red one).

    • I know this is a late reply, but just read this post today (5/20/16) and wanted to note the differences in my Prosonic amps.
      I have one in the red snakeskin that has an “LO” serial number, “Fender Amp Custom Shop” on the tube chart label, and “Professional Tube Amplifier” on the front plate under the light jewel.
      I have a seafoam green one that has an “LO” serial number, “Fender Amp Custom Shop” on the tube chart label, and “Fender Musical Instruments” on the front panel under the light jewel.
      I have a black tolex one that has a “CR” serial number, no mention of Custom Shop on the tube chart label, and “Professional Tube Amplifier” on the front plate under the light jewel.
      Just found that interesting that none of the three of them matched with respect to those parameters.
      In side-by-side comparisons of my 3 amps, all using matched Groove Tubes in power section and Groove Tube pre-amp section, (subjective to variances introduced by tube age, etc), they sound almost exactly alike at the A and AB rectifier settings. However, on the SS rectifier setting, both the ones with the Custom Shop indicated on the tube chart label sound ever so slight smoother than the black tolex one that does NOT have the Custom Shop indicated on the tube chart label. Note again that both the “custom shop” labled ones have different serial number/factory/faceplate designations.
      Just observations to share and digest.
      Having said all of that, I like my Prosonics better than any amp I have ever owned, played, or heard. I own approx 25 Fender, Ampeg, Univox, Gretch, Marshall, etc. amps, and for my likes, nothing matches a Prosonic.
      As much of a “Prosonic Fan” I am, I have found my recent attention stuck on my new Fender Super Champ X2. What a fun little amp!!

      • Koos Ontol

        Keeping my Prosonics, but someone donated a Super Champ XD combo, which I loaded with a Raging Cajun speaker… whoaaa, portable power with a very, very nice tone indeed!

      • This is good to read, Thank you. I am about to buy my friend’s Prosonic head, he bought it from Gary Hoey. ( has proof ), I have been reading all I can re: this amp. Your comments make me feel good! My plans for the amp are to use the clean channel, with pedals. That’s the way I run my ’87 Mesa Boogie Mark III, and, the way I run the amp you mentioned – Super Champ X2 ( head ), XLNT amp! It’s my new ‘church amp’, because it’s lighter than the Boogie ( duh ), anyway, the Normal Channel of the X2 is really really good IMO. I’m looking forward to the Pro Sonic, again, thanks for info, and, in my case, encouragement!

    • Could you show the correct wiring diagram for the two 10in speakers in the Pro Sonic. I’m not getting much out of the game section at all and wonder if the wires where are installed improperly when someone put aftermarket speakers in it. I put the originals back in according to the way the wires were but not sure if they are correct. Thank you

  • Michael Bauer

    Just to set the record straight, the Prosonic was designed by Bruce Zinky of the Custom Shop, but none of these amps were actually built there, nor were they sold as Custom Shop amps. The “LO” prefix to the serial number indicates that the amp was made at the old Sunn Amp factory in Lake Oswego, OR. Late, production was moved to Corona, and those amps are indicated by the prefix “CR.” The Lake Oswego amps are supposed to have better-quality components than the later models, though. Fender is said to have made modifications to Zinky’s original design, but with a few circuit and tube mods, these amps go from good to really great!

    • Barry Amundsen

      Mine is loudest when the rectifier switch in back is on number 1 labeled “Tube” and quietest when switched to 3 labeled S.S. AB2. Isn’t that backwards from what it is supposed to be? In the 2 middle position it is mid loudest too.

    • Yvon Lavoie

      thank you,i was wondering about the meaning od these serial numbers,,

  • Peter Smith

    These amps are sensational, especially the early “LO” series. Highly underrated and highly desirable IMO. The gain channel is amazing with cascading gain and compression. The clean channel is more like an AC30 sound, a little darker than traditional fender clean channels. These amps are becoming rarer and collectable as the word gets out.
    If you can get a red snakeskin or sea foam green custom shop model, (only 500 made) go for it, you will not be disappointed.

  • Colleen

    My friend just purchased a sea foam green lizard skin amp. The backplates that protect the tubes are missing. Is there somewhere I could get replacements manufactured or ordered?

  • I love my “new” Prosonic combo. I want to use it with my Marshall SE-100, but it takes 8 Ohm input. The Prosonic’s output is 16 Ohms. Is that right? Is it possible to add a switch, like the head version, to choose between different impedances?

    • Ontol….total output on combo is 16 ohms…however, you can use a dummy plug to plug into either the main speaker or ext speakr jack…that divides the jacks into 8 ohms each…plug your 8 ohm speaker into the remaining jack..I have an 8 ohm setup with two texas heat speakers that I use with mine…

      • Thanks Rik, I will try to find a dummy plug and try it!

    • Dan Gerous

      When usien 8 Ohm Speakers –
      2×8 in Series = 16 Ohms
      2×8 in Parallel = 4 Ohnm

      • Jimmie

        Sorry my Prosonic head and matching cabinet is rated at 16 ohms. The cabinet made by Fender is loaded with Vintage 30’s… though it does have a switchable impedance on the back from 4/8/16 but my Prosonic combo amp does not.

  • Dan Gerous

    When using 8 Ohm Speakers –
    2×8 in Series = 16 Ohms
    2×8 in Parallel = 4 Ohnm

  • Dan Gerous

    When using 8 Ohm Speakers –
    2×8 in Series = 16 Ohms
    2×8 in Parallel = 4 Ohms

  • The prosonic in my opinion is a turdcake. I own a beautifully modded Vibrolux (1980-81). Side by side there’s no comparison. I’ve probably owned about 10 or so different amps. The best being my Vibrolux, followed by a Carvin, etc. Although the Prosonic is a turdcake stock, I do believe it could be modded to be a quality, gig-worthy amp. But considering it’s weight, to me it is not worth the trouble to mod. This amp was given to me–myself, I would have never bought it. Needs a lot of fixin’ up!

    • Wow I took mine to guitar center to try a guitar out all the guitar guys were crowded around me going what the h—l ? They were all trying to get me to leave it there it smoked all The amps we plugged into incredible tone very loud and very versatile if your a guy into tone and not in little weenie amps that only have tone on 10 ! This amp I have is the sea foam lizard skin and the custom shop celestian speakers it a beast durable and solid ! It will take all you give very much worth the 2800 i spent and it took me a long time to find it they are rare ! The colored ones are custom shop not the black one no comparison hands down it’s a bad boy .

    • I have the lizard skin green one it is a bad boy I’ve played on albums and been on tour and I can tell you I’ve had many of fender amps and the black production line of the but the tone the green one rocks ! It’s custom shop .

  • I love how people cry, whine and defame a great Fender high gain amp.^^^^ It’s possible that this isn’t the amp for you! I own 3 of these amps, 2 heads and one combo. I’ve been through all sorts of amps including vintage to modern, a Friedman , Mesa Express 5:50+, Super, JCM, and others. I tried to like the Super Sonic combo, but ended up with my used prosonic combo instead. Very happy and the verb sounds great.
    I sold all of those other amps and keep playing the Prosonic. These amps require time and patience to attain your sound. Tiny increments on the active eq shapes tone, along with which class you choose. I use all mine stock, and they preform great on stage and recording. They sound great simply plugged in without a bunch of pedals in the way. The gain is over the top past a certain point, but it’s up to the user to figure it out, whine about or sell it. I personally figured it out in a good way, and it’s ……….
    I have both a red snake skin LO model along with 2 CR models. The tonal difference is negligible to me. And- a post above is correct, None of these were ever Custom Shop amps. Only CS designed by Zinky.

    The Combo weight according to my Fender manual says 48 us pounds. To clear up some strange post above, the combo is wired to 16 ohm load. When using an extra external cab with the internal speakers using the external speaker jack, it taps to an 8ohm load (all in my manual). Granted you are smart enough to use a 16 ohm external cab! Read up on mis matching impedance.
    Bottom line is, the Prosonic is a very unique and special high gain amp that isn’t for everyone. The community that has these rarely will sell them, so that should tell you something. The price will only go up on these so I’m hoarding mine as long as I can carry them. People who choose to slam and defame this special amp clearly have not chosen the correct amp for the music, or simply can’t figure it out. It’s a high gain rock amp, so if that’s not your thing, move along quietly. Savvy?

  • Jan Ole

    Hi all,
    I am a new Prosonic owner and have a question I do not find an answer to:
    I want to use an attanuator. It has inputs for 4, 8 and 16 Ohms. Which one shall I use?
    Thanks a lot

  • I bought my Red Lizard Prosonic new back in 1995-1996(lucky me, as I read that they only made 300 of them). This is my main gigging amp(except when I’m playing in my Dio tribute. For that gig I use a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier with a 4×12 cab). My Prosonic has the LO designation in the serial number. Tone is subjective and I’ve seen a few complaints about this amp. Mine is a beast though, and it delivers gig after gig. Apart from a blown speaker(many years ago, and was covered under warranty), and tube replacement, I’ve never had any issues with this amp. It’s built like a tank. Someone once spilled a rye and coke down the front of the amp(luckily, AFTER the gig), and I was so worried about it that I opened up the amp when I got home. After opening up the amp, I could see by the design of the amp that it was virtually impossible for any liquid to get inside(better safe than sorry). Still to this day, people compliment my tone, and I’ve actually had people asking me if I would sell it after hearing it in action. It’s small enough for easy transport and on stage when space is limited, and it is very loud. The drive channel is great, and it takes pedals really well. I’ve had this amp for so long, it’s like a member of the family. I’ll never sell this amp. If you can find somebody willing to sell one, grab it, you won’t be disappointed.

  • I’m puzzled why I keep seeing posts saying the Prosonic has an active EQ section. If you look at the EQ/tone stack on the schematic, you can see that it’s very close to a standard issue Blackface type tone stack that filters signal to ground. An active EQ will add gain(dB) when the pot is turned up but the Prosonic eq only cuts from max at 10 on the knob. Anybody know why it’s called active? I think the Prosonic is a great sounding , well built amp. It has a basic PC board but it has chassis mounted pots and tube sockets which is not common these days.

  • So,my 2 cents. I have a lizard red prosonic with an LO serial, no custom shop label, and a GB date code, which if the site I checked is correct means it was made in Feb 1996. I have been a huge Fender fan since the 1960s. My first real guitar was a Mustang at 15 yrs old. I have played many Fender guitars and amps and the Prosonic is my favorite, hands down. 3 reasons I think some people are dissapointed- speakers, tubes, and knobs. I had a 1976 silver face twin for years and loved the glassy sound of a strat through it, but it was heavy (JBLs) and more power than I needed usually. After I got the Prosonic I was a little disappointed that it didn’t have that over the top tone, so I did a lot of reading and research. First, I read that the first year or so these were made the celestial speakers were sorry. Many people complained and some were actually replaced by Fender. I believe mine originally had these crappy speakers. I also read about tube replacements for better tone. Eventually I replaced the preamp tube with a groove tube and the power tubes with Svetlana’s. I bought a pair of Jensen made in Italy vintage custom speakers. Almost there. But to add punch and top end sparkle I replaced one of the Jensen’s with a JBL. Weird I know, and the JBL overpowers the Jensen, but the combo is remarkable. The last thing that makes the sound is tweaking the knobs. A couple of reviewers mention this, but there are sweet spots that really bring out the tone. Typically I will crank bass, treble and middle on Fender amps all the way up, but on this one it’s better if I back the treble to about 7 and the middle to about 5. Also the volume needs to be over 3 to bring out that tone. A little loud in the house, but that’s what it likes to really sing. If I’m playing out I have a 2 12″ cab with a 70s K120 JBL and a 12″ Jensen in it. Crank this up to about 7 and it’s Fender heaven. Also, I almost always play it on the AB rectifier setting, a little more crunchy and nuanced than the A setting.


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