
Fender Silverface Champ

Model/Circuit Number: AA764
Years of Production:
1968 – 1982
Era: Silverface
Configuration: Combo
Controls: Silver forward facing w/ blue labels
Knobs: Black skirted w/ chrome center, numbered 1 – 10



  • Front: In, In, Vol, Treb, Bass – Power Sw, Pilot Lamp



Grill Cloth:

Logo: Grille mounted, raised, chrome & black script “Fender” w/ tail ~ 1968-1974 or “Fender®” w/o tail 1974-1982
Weight: 20 lbs

Watts: 6 watts

  • Pre amp: 7025
  • Power: 6V6GT
  • Bias: Cathode bias
  • Rectifier: 5Y3

The speaker jack and fuse (1A) are located under chassis. Fender switched back to the blackface era cosmetics in 1982. Champs produced in 1982 have a black control panel and silver sparkle grill cloth.

27 thoughts on “Fender Silverface Champ

  • Pingback: Fender Champ INPUT power? - GeekChat!

  • Just got one of these. Great amp! I don’t like having tons of knobs to tinker with, and with the Champ I just find a basic setting and let my playing do the rest. I’ve been able to record into the night with this as well. So glad I found it!

  • jammers5

    Just picked up a “drip edge” 68 Champ, paid $350 cnd, so it looks like I paid a fair price…..

    • Ozwingman

      That’s a good price for an original drip edge Champ.  IMHO the drip edge amps are great.  I’ve had a few (wish I still had them) and they’re terrific value..

  • jammers5

    Oh by the way the silverface was actually produced in 67 as well, starting in april. They were same circuit as the previous “Blackfaces” and were produced with a “drip edge” until may of 68, when the circuit was changes.

    • I could be wrong but the Champ circuit never has changed as far as I know until the end of run in 80.

      • Frank Koletar

        The blackface & silverface Champs & Vibro-Champs, 1964 – 1982, were all AA764. I am not aware of any AB764 version of either of these. Schematics & Layouts here: . In addition, if Rob Rob says so, it generally is so…
        ” ‘AB763’ was Fender’s internal model designation for the 1963 blackface circuit. “Blackface” refers to the panel color and 763 means July 1963. The circuit was used in the Deluxe, Deluxe Reverb, Twin Reverb, Super Reverb, Band-Master, Showman, Pro, Vibrolux, Vibroverb and Tremolux. Note there was no AB763 Champ, Princeton or Harvard because these little amps did not use a long tail pair phase inverter and so carried a different circuit designator.” Rob Robinette

  • Rejean Henry

    just got a champ silverface ,no tail on the logo , what im not sure about is the grill cloth has NO blue in it , its a silver grey and black , it does not look like its been changed , what up with that ??

    • cynthia

      I bought mine in ’73 and I still have it. The blue in the cloth is really faded, barely looks blue so that might be the issue with yours.

  • Matthew A. Parker

    I have recently acquired a Fender Champ, it fits almost all of the information given here. Except my preamp tube is a 12ax7. My speaker code says it’s a 76 model. It’s a silverface with orange black and silver grillcloth that’s factory. The fender logo is tailess. I need the schematic for this amp. The preamp like I said is 12ax7, power amp tube is 6v6, & the rectifier tube is 5y3. Can anyone please help me?

    • 7025 is a premium version of the 12ax7 supposed to be low noise, any 12ax7 will work in this amp.


    I’ve attempted to download the schematic for this amp, the one I have has a broken volume control and no knob, the unit works perfectly but I’d like to repair the volume control and knob..

    Great sound, simple operation, I wished it had a reverb but maybe I’ll build a tube reverb unit to couple with the Champ..

  • did you click the tab Schematic(s) champ_aa764.pdf

  • What are dimensions ?

    • Frank Koletar

      Here are specs the from my silverface Champs not posted above:

      1979 Champ # A959XXX: 17″ H x 14″ W x 7 ½” D (bottom); 20 lbs (9.1 kgs)

      1976 Vibro-Champ # A51XXX: 17″ H x 14″ W x 7 ½” D (bottom); 21.5 lbs (9.75 kgs)

  • Thomas Hanser

    Need the dimensions for this amp to order a vinyl slipcover – mine is in the shop right now being fixed.


    Specifically, a Champ, not a Vibro Champ.


    • Frank Koletar

      Here are specs the from my silverface Champs not posted above:

      1979 Champ # A959XXX: 17″ H x 14″ W x 7 ½” D (bottom); 20 lbs (9.1 kgs)

      1976 Vibro-Champ # A51XXX: 17″ H x 14″ W x 7 ½” D (bottom); 21.5 lbs (9.75 kgs)

  • Daniel Kremer

    I purchased one Fender Silverface Champ! Good amp!
    Just I’m a bit disapointed of the bass knob. It dosn’t respond so much. Treb is ok.
    Does any one made the same experience?

    • Ivon

      Yes, Daniel Kremer. I have a 1970s silverface and the bass knob is not very responsive at lower volumes. Once you turn the volume up to 4 or higher, the bass knob has a more notable affect. I’m not sure if that’s how it’s supposed to work, but that’s what my does.

    • Mark R. Garner

      As I am celebrating this month 40 years of playing electric guitar, I pulled out my first amp, a Champ, and what an appropriate name! I guess it’s a ’79 since I got it for Christmas that year.
      It is the PERFECT low wattage amp. I’m running a 2018 Nashville Tele into the Fender Pugilist Distortion, full shred, and it’s a beautiful sound.

  • Does anyone know if The Vibro Champ has more power or more distortion than a regular Champ?
    I’m just wondering cuz it does use an extra tube for tremolo and thinking it may have more signal path thru the tubes etc…

    • I believe the vibro champ has a little less power because the tubes are powering the vibrato, I’ve owned both and it seemed the regular champ had a little more power or Distortion cranked up because of this..

  • Chuck

    I just picked up a late 1973 or early 1974, The chassis number is odd. The number does not have a leading “Letter”, rather just 5 digits 43330. Transformer dates it 37th week of 1973 606 3 37. Anyone know what’s up with that chassis serial number?

  • I just picked up, what every components date it to, a 1974. However, my chassis serial number does not have a letter in front. Mine is just 43330. Thoughts?

  • Mine is the same. 40000 series no leading A. A quirk of the 73s?

  • Marty Mayer

    Champ 611005 chassis code T4 ink stamp ,,440320 speaker sticker with long # 836756495VE8R on same sticker,,, strange that tube chart shows 6V6gta- 6V6gta 12AX7a but has 5Y3 in first location? Any info on this Newley acquired Silver Face Fender Champ would be appreciated ,,thanks

  • Frank Koletar

    Here are specs the from my silverface Champs not posted above:

    1979 Champ # A959XXX: 17″ H x 14″ W x 7 ½” D (bottom); 20 lbs (9.1 kgs)

    1976 Vibro-Champ # A51XXX: 17″ H x 14″ W x 7 ½” D (bottom); 21.5 lbs (9.75 kgs)


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