
Fender Silverface Super Reverb

Model/Circuit Number: AB763, AB568, AB569, AA1069, AA270, AA1070
Years of Production:
1968 – 1981
Era: Silverface
Configuration: Combo
Controls: Silver, forward facing w/ blue labels
Knobs: Black skirted with chrome center, numbered 1 – 10


  • Front: Normal: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Bass – Vibrato: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Mid, Bass, Rev, Speed, Intensity – Pilot Lamp
  • Rear: AC Outlet, Ground Sw, Fuse (2A), Power Sw, Standby Sw, Speaker Jack, Ex. Speaker Jack, Vibrato Jack, Reverb Jack, Reverb Out, Reverb In


Covering Material

Logo: Grill mounted, raised, chrome & black script
Weight: 86 lbs.

  • Size: 4 x 10
  • Impedance: 2 ohms
  • Model: Oxford 10L6, CTS 10” (AlNiCo or ceramic) or Rola 10” ceramic(For more info, check out the Jensen Replacement Speakers)

Effects: Reverb, Tremolo
~Watts: 40 or 70 watts

  • Pre amp: 7025
  • Power: 2 x 6L6GC

Bias: Fixed, adjustment pot (AB763) or balance pot (all others)
Rectifier: 5U4GB , Some later production models seem to have come without the 5U4 rectifier and had solid state rectification instead.

Comments: Fender added int he Master Volume control with pull-knob Boost in 1975. At this same time, the logo lost it’s tail and power was boosted to 70 watts.

43 thoughts on “Fender Silverface Super Reverb

  • there has to be another schematic for the non tube rectified version. also, some master volume circuts have a middle tone control.

    • Whittele

      The 70 Watt UL SS recto model can be found at schematic heaven.

    • The 3-band EQ on the normal channel was introduced in 1978.

    • I have the schematics for the amp you have, with the pull switch. I have a 1981 super reverb i got the schematics from fender customer support due to schematics heaven not having the correct one. I can forward it to you, if you have not yet found it. Just let me know.

      • Do you still have that Schematic for the Super with Push/Pull?
        Having a lot of issues with “Buzz”…Appears to be coming from that P/P Pot as when I turn it down it does not do it as much.
        Thank you,

      • Hello…
        Does anybody have the wire diagram for 1979 (or similar)super reverb?

      • Can you send me the Schematic it would be greatly appreciated.


      • Hello…
        Do you have the layout for your 81?

      • Hi how are you?
        can you help me with a correct fender super reverb ” solid state ” rectfier schematic?
        thank you a lot and good vibes for you and your family!

      • Oratios Hadjigeorgiou

        Hi there!
        I know this is a long shot after all these years, but is there a chance you can send me the schematic for the 1981 silverface super reverb ultralinear model?


  • Al Swearengen

    My Super is 135W.  I think it is a ’79.  I’ll visit it when I return home to folks house next week, where it has sat, unplayed, for 20 years. (It was a pain in the butt to move every 2 years in my nomad years.)  I’ll get the serial and snap some pics.

    • Late 70s ultralinear Super Reverbs featured 70W/RMS of overall power. 

      If your amp is a 135W model, then it’s a Super 6 Reverb equipped with six Oxford 10L6s with an impedance of 10″/5.2Ω. Some Super 6s were also available with CTS 10″ AlNiCo’s.

      • Al Swearengen

        Um, no. It has 4 10-inch speakers. Along with pull boost, master volume and mid control on one channel.

        And it says 135 watts RMS on the back, right under the speaker jacks.

  • Not sure what year mine is but it is a 45 watt amp.  It has the boost on it also. 

  • I find it hard getting accurate information on these amps.  There is alot of false info on both the internet and in books.  The most accurate info I have found so far on Silverface Super Reverbs is in small rectangular book called The Fender Amp Book by John Morrish.  Fender Amps by Teagle and Sprung is a good book, but take it with a grain of salt.  The part about Silverface SRs suggests that in 75 or 76 they went to 70 watts with the addition of the Master volume with the boost,  this is not true.  I have an SR with the Master/Boost and it is 45 watts.  I know there are others out there with the same as mine.

  • John

    A 3-band EQ for the Normal Channel and a Line-Out jack were added around 1978.

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  • I was a Noob to Fender vintage amps when I got my 1981 Fender Silver Faced Super Reverb, (70 watt/ Push pull master volume/ Hum Balance port/ Ultra Linear output Transformer) My Fender Super reverb Schematic is AA1070. I’m sure that most of you already know or have expirienced. But if you are new like I was when I got mine. In comparison to earlier Silverface amps this particular late flavor of Silver Schematic of Silver face is the more dificult one to “Blackface”. It can be done though. It takes some component changes, namely rewiring in a Tube Rectifier and placing in a more common output transformer. So it can be done you’ll just have to dig a little deeper into your wallet.

    • I just bought one of these amps off Craigslist, it was not advertised as a 75 linear version at 70 watts but as a 73 with mas vol still functional and the 54UGB rec. I am not happy but trying to make the best of it. It has its issues but was modded by Kye Kennedy is Nashville. I have reached out to him but haven’t heard back yet. I am trying to do some work on it and having issues with the output tubes, as I want to utilize Tung Sol 5881s, which are the original old ones not the reissues. I am use to Mesa’s with auto set biasing so this is all new to me. Anyone help out with just exactly how I fix the bias on this amp for these tubes and what the output tube matching function actually does…really appreciate it

  • I’m desperately searching for the schematic of the Silverface Master – Version with 45W.
    I’m going to restore a completely wrecked SF Twin to Super specs (with a new PT), but I love the sound of the Master version.

    Can someone tell me where to get that schematic?

  • Dan Murphey

    Hi, I have a Fender Super Reverb AB763. The chassis is stamped A 38590.The speaker are CTS. I want to get it refurbished. It is missing the grill and cloth. My wife bought it for me years ago. The speakers need to be re-coned. Whoever had it before painted the faceplate black. Stupildly I removed it with nail polish remover which took the paint off but also most of the blue stamp lettering and messed up the knobs. Is this a job you could do? Thank you.

  • Dan Murphey

    I am in Houston off Beltway 8 and Fallbrook. I can bring it by for you to inspect. If you don’t do refurbs could you let me know who in Houston can do this?

  • Can you tell me where I could purchase a new “Pilot bulb”for model #AB763. The old bulb has only #44 on it and is only as big as half a baby finger. I am in Canada. Went to two music instrument stores and no one has a bulb.
    Can you help in any way. Thanks, Bill.

  • nikos digas

    does anydody nows if the speakers are 16 ohms or 8 ohms?

    • Dan

      As far as I know all super reverb amps came stock from the fender factory with 4 x 8ohm 10″ speakers all wired in parelle for a Two ohm load on the head. What I found a little strange is that my silverface 45watt super reverb amp has a external speaker output. Now a real amp tech electronic guy might be able to clear up my confusion here but would it not be very dangerous to add a load (speaker / resistance to what is already a really low load on that head. Is the external speaker wired in some way where it does not effect the load on the main speaker output. Obviously I am not a electronic guy so if anyone can explain this in regular sound engineer language it would be great. I’m not looking to add any more speakers to my super reverb by any means. The amp sounds great but is already to loud for my use so I am actually going the other route and am going to run that amp at a 4 ohm load by disconnecting two of the speakers and only using two of the 8 ohm speakers in parelle for a four ohm load. My idea is to use the other two 10″ speakers in that super combo for my 50watt basemen head.

      Thanks and any comments on this would be great.

      • Charles Hawkins

        Don’t worry about the extra load. I used a Silver Face Super Reverb for over 20 years on the road, worked it hard every night with an extra cabinet with another 4 10″ Jensen speakers with never a problem. Still have it today, What a great Amp.

      • Dale Casler, Doc's Guitar Customs'

        The 4X10 Super Reverb has a 2ohm output transformer. Adding another 8 ohm speaker would take it down to about 1.67 ohms. Another way to think about it: an amp with a 4 ohm OT with an added 8 ohm speaker would also go down a small amount. Certainly, it may not be the best thing for an amp, especially if you are plying it loud. Like the other response here, I gigged with mine for years with one 8 ohm extention speaker and so far no problems.

        I also play mine now thru a 4 ohm cab ( split it using a Mojotone head cab and a Mojotone 2X12 cab because the 4X10 got to be too much to move out of my basement) and the slight reduction in volume is welcome these days. I rebuilt mine and used 220uF caps to replace the 70uF’s in the main PS and wow that just give amazing clean headroom, totally dynamic.

  • Good day.

    I have a Fender Super Reverb wich is not working and I want to restore, but I’m having some troubles dating it.

    It seems like a silverface.

    – It has a transformer with code 013897 EIA 606 – 745, wich I suspect it belongs to a fender Bassman 70, and doesn’t give me too much information about the year of the amp.
    – It supposes the chassis serial number should be A##### or similar, but in mine the chassis says: 761191.
    – It has 4 speakers but only could read a code in one of it, wich is 465 (I think it is an oxford).

    Can you please help me to date it correctly.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Roger

      It’s from 77/78

      “Eventually, the hope is to have enough info for a more detailed breakdown on the B series, A+6 digit and F+6 digit series. For now, the dating schemes for these series are:

      A6 + 5-digits – 1976-77

      A7 + 5-digits – 1977-78

      A8 + 5-digits – 1978-79

      A9 + 5-digits – 1979-80”

  • ive had a ’72 SF Super Fender reverb since 1994-1995 and its been the best amp i’ve ever had. I haven’t replaced anything on it yet (im sure it could use a recap tho). still all original. ive used a ’76 LPC, various fender guitars and many diverse humbucker PUP gtrs & once a Korg M1 for a while, but was afraid of blowing it so i didnt push the audio level past 3 in the plain input side. Probably wouldve been fine tho. I recently watched a video on tube by a tube tech and he said that Some fenders had a few mistakes from the factory. i doubt the one i have has any. its THE sound that your ears desire to hear when playing guitars thru it. cant go wrong owning one of these IMHO.

  • Tim Hill

    Hi, I have a silverface Super Reverb. It is early 70’s with no master volume knob. It has a strange serial number so I am having trouble confirming dare. It is AS52364. The S is throwing me…any thoughts?

  • The weight shown is wrong. It does not weigh 86 lbs! It weighs about 60 lbs.

  • Hi everyone,
    my amp has 2 major problem,
    when i turn down both normal channel/vibrato volume knob, the amp still has sound and the volume knob didn’t mute the sound that coming from speakers but amp never has hum or extra noise, i change the volume knob with new one but the problem isn’t solved…

    i thought that if i’m change the original filter caps with new one( the new caps are build in taiwan or china) so the problem should solve but was not solved, this time i decided to replace the new caps with original caps but unfortunately amp get some HUM even when no cable attached to amp and the volume knob is totally closed…
    i must tell that my amp has 2 6l6 west germany tubes and 5U4GB tube
    please help me about this issue

    • tofband


      start with the simplest stuff first. unplug the amp and drain the capacitors, remove the tubes, clean the sockets. retension the all the sockets by inserting a very small screwdriver BESIDE the pin holes to put some pressure on the each pin holder inside the socket. It really helped on my old fender amps. I’ve got two 64 deluxe reverb blackface and a 77 ultralinear silverface twin and it helped all my amps.

      if you still have a hum problem after that: read read read. the internet has a lot of knowledgeable people out there.

      Good Luck!

  • Here is some data on a Fender Super silverface I have Looked at dates codes on several pages
    I’m Guessing by the codes on the Transformers and The Speakers that this is a June 1971 Model
    So here is the data for the record any comments email.

    Transformers- 606-0-47, 606-1-03, 606-1-10, 606-1-26
    SR# Stamped Into AS52332
    Speakers – 064126, 137 7131
    Tube Chart- I can See Like a Big F Logo and a Number 2 and maybe a 6 it is smeared. There is a long number at bottom is 047894 in small number stamp.

    It has a Silver Grill Cloth 2 Volume Knobs no push pull switch, There is a Tail on the Fender Logo on Grill Cloth, and it says Super Reverb on the Face.

    On the Back it says Fender Musical Instruments, Has the 45 Watt RMS
    There is a Round Sticker with SA on it nothing Written on it but there is a small number printed on it, It is LR16304,
    and there is in large black stamped number 29003 on very right hand side.

    Anybody else know anything about this data that may be differant let me know.

  • clark

    Does anyone know the measurements of the grillcloth frame on the 79 Super?


  • Hi guys, smart question about my silver face super rev 75 ..with tube rectifier. What impedance should the external speaker has to work properly without damaging the amp? 8 ohm would be ok? thanks 😉

  • Hey friends. I got a Super Reverb fender amp. This have eight valvules and i want to know if you have schematic diagram. This have volume master with push pull and is silverface. Thanks

  • carlos jimenez mellado

    You are an great bro!

  • Robert F. Nunez

    Have a good nite JAC. Almost 10 years after. Regarding Fender SF/SR, mine is same 45W, no audio signal plug, w/ MV PP switch. But is this really an ultralinear ? OT seems reg size (reads year 65 ), and rectifier is a tube 5U4 / GZ34 .., Could this be a reg SF or some pieces were swaped ?
    combo with offset speakers and drip edge aluminium profiles .. Thnx


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