AmplifiersFenderRed KnobShowman

Fender Showman Red Knob

Model/Circuit Number:
Years of Production:
1987 – 1993
Configuration: Piggyback
Controls: Black, forward facing w/ white labels, controls numbered 1 – 10
Knobs: red (87-90) or black (90-93), unnumbered



  • Front: Vol, Treb/Boost, Mid/Boost, Bass – Ch 1 In, Ch 1 In – Ch 2 In, Ch 2 In – Gain, Treb/Boost, Mid/Boost, Bass/Boost, Presense/Notch, Vol/Channel, Effect Loop Sw – Hi-Lo Power Sw, Standby Sw, Power Sw, Pilot Lamp
  • Rear: Fuse, Effect Out, Effect In, Power Amp Thru, Loop Level Sw, Output Bias Adj, Output Balance Adj, Foot Sw, XLR Line Out, Ex Speaker Series, Ex Speaker Parallel, Impedance Sw


  • Dimensions:
  • Hardware:
  • Handle: 2 recessed side handles
  • Feet: Casters
  • Corners: Black Plastic Corner Protectors

Covering Material

  • Tolex/Tweed: Black Tolex
  • Grill Cloth: Dark Gray Grill Cloth

Logo: Chrome & black script

Effects: Channel switching, Reverb (Dual Showman SR only)
~Watts: Low: 25 watts High: 100 watts

  • Pre amp:
  • Power: 4 x 6L6

Bias: Fixed w/ bias/balance adjust pot
Rectifier: Solid State

Comments: Black tolex was the standard covering, but there were other colors available

6 thoughts on “Fender Showman Red Knob

  • Nawlins504

    I’m checking out my 1989 Dual Showman right now to update these specs. It’s the model with no reverb.

    The dimensions of the head are W 27.5 in x H 9.5 in x D 11 in. Just measured mine and I’m one hundred percent on that one. The tube complement consists of three 12AX7A (7025) tubes in the front row, followed by one 12AX7A, one 12AT7, and four 6L6GC’s in the back row. I have all original tubes except for the power amp tubes, a matched set of Mesa Boogie 5881-6L6’s. The corners and handle’s metal parts appear to be black powder coated aluminum. Also, the front mid knob is a pull-out mid cut switch (like a scoop). That function with the treble boost and some chorus/delay give one of my favorite clean settings ever :3

    The Front is as follows: Volume, Treble (pull for boost), Mid (pull for cut), Bass, Channel one/Footswitch inputs x2, Channel two/Parallel channel mode inputs x2, Gain, Treble (pull boost), Mid (pull boost), Bass (pull boost), Presence (pull notch), Volume (pull channel select), Damping Hi/Med/Lo, Output Lo/Hi, Standby, Power, [small red] Pilot Lamp.

    On the back: Fuse (4A-125V Slo Blo), Preamp Out, Power Amp In, Power Amp Thru, Loop Level (-16dBv, -7dBv, +4dBv), Output Bias Adjust, Output Balance Adjust, Footswitch jack, Balanced Line Out, Ext Series out, Main Speaker out, Ext Parallel out, Impedance Selector (4/8/16 ohms).

    I noticed a few discrepancies there, so it’s probably worth looking into.

  • Such a Very Heavy Head. Honestly, it doesn’t weigh much less than my 75 Twin Reverb Combo. But this is a VERY good amplifier and quite versitile. The clean channel is pure classic Dual Showman tone. The drive channel is its own thing all together. Just prepare for your back to be broken.

  • work_smarter

    Can anyone help me settle with the proper foot switch for my red knob Fender Dual Showman? It IS THE SR model with reverb and I am trying to confirm what foot switch I should have for the unit. I would think although there is no published material labeled as a Dual Showman that says anything but that the foot switch would be a single switch pedal yet nothing on the models equipped with reverb.

    I do not believe this to be the case for the SR model as there is a reverb tank that is OEM yet no way at all to switch it on or off that I can tell. So am I assuming correctly that I need to acquire a two switch foot switch for this unit – one switch being for channel switching as advertised, AND a second switch for switching the reverb in and out? This is driving me nuts – all say this amp is essentially identical to the Red Knob Twin with reverb, only in head form. I find it agitating that I can find nothing definitive from Fender about all of this. Any help would be appreciated!

    • You are correct, it is the same two button footswitch as The Twin. Also it is the identical amp as the chassis simply has a sticker that says DUAL SHOWMAN for the model, but if you peel back that sticker it says THE TWIN underneath.

  • What do you think a one of these with matching quad box is worth. Good working order. Cosmetically in pretty good condition too.

  • I have been looking for a foot switch for my Fender Red Knob Duel Showman and the way the previous post suggest it only takes a two Togo switch? I have seen a couple red knob twins for sale that have 4 togo switches.

    So which is it 2 or 4 togo? and can a generic switch box work?


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